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SAFE@LAST Adventure Challenge

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The BIG Adventure Challenge returns with a BIGGER and BETTER challenge.


Run, splash, crawl your way around the brilliant Rother Valley Country Park all in the name of SAFE@LAST.

This is a race with a difference and if you're feeling brave you can take on the more physical challenges along the way - always with the choice of opting out if you feel its a little too much.


The race is designed and managed by Eight Point Two http://www.eightpointtwo.co.uk/, a company with huge experience in handling this type of event and with whom we are extremely proud to be working once again.


The winner of every category will receive a fabulous prize and the satisfaction of completing an exciting and fun challenge on behalf or our well loved children’s charity SAFE@LAST. We also give prizes for ‘Best Dressed Team’, ‘Biggest Fundraising Team’ and Best Team Name’.


The race is for EVERYONE; if you’re between the ages of 16 and 100 you can take part at your own pace and enjoy the fun, camaraderie and feel good factor of completing the course and returning back to base for refreshments and all the chat!


Team spirit and working together is part of the challenge so competitors take part in teams of 3 but if you are on your own, please let us know and we will match you up with others to make up a team in one of the following categories:


Team Category:



Male, Female and Mixed



Male, Female and Mixed


*A veteran team is one whose combined age is over 120yrs


The number of teams that we can take is limited and we expect an increased demand after the great success of last year’s event, please register now to secure your team place and we will send out your competitors pack shortly.


To enter or for more information contact us on 01909 566977 or tickets@weekendatlast.co.uk or visit http://www.weekendatlast.co.uk/?p=428.


Individual registration fee is £35 which can be deducted from the sponsorship that you collect and so taking part does not need to cost your team anything. It really is a greta day out with fun had by all!

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