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Fed up with this royal wedding - or not?

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I agree about the dress.


Beatrice's hat reminded me of some sort of curly goats horns or even antlers.


I'm sure Vresistance and truth(no)logic will be on here soon enough telling us it's a symbol that they're both illuminati/devil worshipers etc.

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Just looked at the tv and saw Charles and his mentally derranged dad in their military uniforms with the medals on show. I wonder how much action they saw in the forces to get that many medals. None I would expect knowing them two loafers


Charles wasn't in the forces during a war, but his dad (who's entitled to be a bit doolally at 90) was in the navy in WWII. Read all about it here,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prince_Philip,_Duke_of_Edinburgh#Naval_service including the Greek Cross of Valour he was awarded during WWII.


Oops, just realised that Agent Orange had already addressed that point.

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They looked amazing, Kate's beauty needed nothing more than a simple dress, William, our future King looked regal but refreshingly human (for Royal Family). They looked happy and genuinely in love. I cried buckets lol and I wish them all the best. Great couple xx


Have to agree, I watched some of it, After the wedding when they were in the horse and carts, William looked very handsome, I say this even though he's never done anything for me in that department but he looked very cute today;)


Kate looked fresh and very elegant, I loved the fact that they kept giving each other little smirks and smiles, Very in love:love: I think it was lovely and very fairytale like, after I may add all the boring speech's and singing, even my 7 year old girl thought so:hihi:


Saying all this I've not been interested in watching it at all until I saw a program on them both lastnight and decided to watch today, I'm glad I did

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Morrisey said in an interview 'the royal family are benefit scroungers'. Im inclined to agree with him, as 69p of everyones tax money goes towards keeping them in luxury. I see them as no better than chavs off a council estate just on a much larger scale.


I'm a Morrissey fan but not everything he says I agree with, the Queen has described herself as a caretaker, if any government ever took control of the Royal palaces and the land which is owned by the Queen, then I dread to think what would happen, most probably the land would be sold off and the palaces would in time be foreign owned IMO

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Someone described them as aerials:D;)

Or a Teletubby headpiece.


Some of the other hats were absolutely frightful. I'm not at all keen on the 'canoe glued to the forehead' hat; Posh and Tara P-T both looked very silly indeed in theirs.

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