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The BNP seem popular in the news lately

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bnp rule fed up with seeing bloody forginers our goverment rather he'll them than our own people. we not welcome in there countrys why come Here nobody got the balls to say anything no more


Who do the BNP rule?

Is that ALL "forginers"? What did they do to you?

Who are "our own people"?

Where are you not welcome?

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bnp rule fed up with seeing bloody forginers our goverment rather he'll them than our own people. we not welcome in there countrys why come Here nobody got the balls to say anything no more




I bet I can guess what newspapaper you read with views like that! Daily Fail? :loopy:

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Im surprised that in the absence of a couple of tissues you couldn't find a more productive use for the BNP manifesto rather than reading it.


I thought there were some good points raised.I'm not asking anyone else to like them don't really care.

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they come here get everything they want claim for children they havnt got or back in there country. take all the jobs have houses when people who was born here got get a house. the elderly strugling with day to day but what do goverment do nothing but willing to give money to bloody forigners

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they come here get everything they want claim for children they havnt got or back in there country. take all the jobs have houses when people who was born here got get a house. the elderly strugling with day to day but what do goverment do nothing but willing to give money to bloody forigners


You are a prime example of someone who has heard these negative things uttered, strung them together and used them as an argument. That's the problem with the country, not "forigners".


Also, your status mentions you love all white people, does that mean as long as immigrants are white you have no problem with them? Is it just those brown ones you don't like?

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if your worried about immigration or europe why not UKIP??


personally, NO political party really represents ordinary people


I am not the slightest bit worried about immigration, however I am very worried about Labour and in particular theTories only serving the interests of the rich.

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I have read the BNP manifesto.If it wasn't for a couple of issues that i feel uncomfortable with they would get my vote.


I've seen their manifesto and find myself agreeing with about 95% of the things they want to achieve.


For me there are two big problems with the BNP:


1. Are they capable of carrying out what they want to achieve if they did get power?


2. The National Front element that are involved with the party.....Unfortunately there are quite a lot of scumbags attached to the BNP.


In a democracy though all people should be allowed to have a voice as long as they don't advocate violence, which is why I get irritated when people suggest the BNP shouldn't be allowed to stand. I won't vote for them myself because of 2) above, but I certainly acknowledge the right for them to have a voice and wouldn't object to anybody else voting for them.


It always makes me laugh whenever we go shopping in Barnsley, right in the town centre amongst the various charity events taking place there is usually a BNP stall......Only in Barnsley. :hihi:





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Where is Postman Pat?


He is supposed to be standing for the BNP in the local elections but wont even come on a forum which contains many voters in the ward where he is standing, and argue his case.


Which is typical of the calibre of BNP activists who stand for election. They love all the flags and Nuremburg style rallys (usually in the small back room of a pub) but aren't prepared to put in any graft.


And when they do get elected they just fall apart because they have absolutely no idea about realpolitik and either end up with appallingly low attendance records or get caught fiddling expenses or trying to use their limited influence on the council in a corrupt way.


So even if you are an anti-immigrant, homophobic misogynist I would still advise you not to vote BNP because they will not actually ever get anything done.


John X

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