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Free Beer And Cigs

old tup

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When I finally escaped school my first ever job was at a soft drinks factory on Burnell Rd named Leonard Goddard and Son.They made lemonade,orangeade,limeade tonic water,lime and lemon which they supplied to pubs and working mens clubs.Also nuts crisps babycham ,Black beer and cordials.It was a shock to the system,the work was heavy involving a lot of lifting,one was going to a warehouse in the Wicker for sugar in a flatback lorry,it was in 1cwt sacks handballed on and off then carried up 3 flights of stairs.Anyway I digress every delivery we made to a pub or club we were offered a pint or a packet of cigs,after a few drops I was quite tiddley and it wasn,t dinner time yet! I used to pedal home woblling all over the place on my bike,after lunch back to work and off again.The job started me off as a heavy drinking chain smoker and I was only 16 yrs old!You wouldn,t get away with it now,elf and safety;Happy Days!:hihi::hihi::hihi:

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