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EU to ban medicinal plants..

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Sorry to be a pedant; but isn't alternative medicine, by definition, just medicine used instead of( as an alternative to) other medicine?


Unfortunately, it isn't.


'Alternative medicine' may be an alternative form of medicine, but it can also be (mis)construed as an 'Alternative TO medicine.'


I am afflicted with a number of chronic illnesses. Most are incurable.


I'm not a doctor and I'm treated by some very highly-skilled and extremely competent doctors. - People I trust.


I play a very active part in my own care. (I have more than a slight interest in making sure it works. ;))


I take the medications which are prescribed (why pay for a dog and bark yourself?) but I also use 'herbal remedies'. My doctors know what I take, how it will react with what they give me and warn me accordingly. I listen. We talk.


(One of the endochrinologists I see said: "If you can tolerate that much, if it doesn't make you ill - go for it!")


5 years ago my cardiologist gave me 4 years to live. 2 years later another said "You did have a problem - I've seen the reports - but you don't have it now. You should be good for another 30."


I get a major check every two years and a minor every year. - The next minor service is in 2 weeks time. Last year's major gave me 20-30 years prognosis.


Before we had modern medicine, we had witch doctors. - Or Shamans, or 'wise people' - call them what you will. They didn't always cause miracles, but they weren't that daft, either. (I can cure styes using 'witch doctery' - it works, too. Guaranteed.)


Some of the older cures killed more than they cured.


I suspect that half of the reason that today's patients aren't cured by the doctors is because they don't listen to what the doctor has to say. - And don't follow the advice. They would've listened to the witch doctor - but they don't listen to the highly-qualified MD who is treating them.


'There's no gain without pain.' It doesn't have to hurt, but sitting on your arse every day isn't going to make your heart work any better. How many patients actually do what the doctor told them to do?


I take huge amounts of prescription meds every day. I need those medications.


I take significant amounts of herbal meds every day. - You can't get them on prescription, but my doctor is quite happy to allow me to do so. - "If you can tolerate it, go for it."


Obviously, I'm a fool. A Doctor told me in 2005 that I had 3 years to live. I didn't listen.


I take the meds my doctors prescribe and I use herbal 'remedies' as well. They know what I take (and how much.)


It works. I'm past my original 'sell by' date and still going. (and I'm far fitter than I was 5 years ago ...though the mountains do help ;))


Are their medicines keeping me alive or are mine?


Who knows? - Who cares? - If it isn't broken, don't fix it.

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was just kidding, guys! was bored and decided to try my hand and trolling.


homeopathy really on the NHS? what the hell? runes too?


I'm big into herbal medicine and diet etc (though i also drink, get high and smoke) because 'medicine' is big business with little regard for the end user as long as they keep coming back.


I'm no denier though. if i need medicine i have no problem going to see the doctor. but i refuse to get lectures because 'doc knows best'.


i firmly believe if you listen to your body it tells when something is wrong.

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Aconite works.


It grows readily in England.


It cures all known diseases - including the most common sexually-transmitted disease.




How do you 'ban' a plant?


Everyone seems to have missed that little gem of a post. :hihi:

You did miss one thing out; you are almost guaranteed to get laid.


Fair chance you'll be [removed]

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Aconite works.


It grows readily in England.


It cures all known diseases - including the most common sexually-transmitted disease.




How do you 'ban' a plant?


I'm not sure that you could argue that killing someone has actually cured anything, it's just introduced a worse problem that is masking the lesser ones.


And nobody is talking about banning plants, presumably the ban would be on actually marketing and selling them as medicinal.

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I'm not sure that you could argue that killing someone has actually cured anything, it's just introduced a worse problem that is masking the lesser ones.


Someone said once, in sarcastic response to a solution that was worse than the original problem, "you could cure your headache by chopping off your head but it's not a good idea."

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Someone said once, in sarcastic response to a solution that was worse than the original problem, "you could cure your headache by chopping off your head but it's not a good idea."


I'm sure it'd be fine if your name is Tony Blair. :)

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