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Can mental illness run in families.

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schizophrenia is diagnosed 3 to 1, boys vs. girls and onset is typically around adolesence. Let's hope it isn't that but if it is, the earlier its treated, the better.


I've had a schizophrenic stepdaughter; this doesn't sound like the same set of symptoms. Although there's a fairly wide variety of possible ways it could set on, of course.


It is quite possible that he's just another lazyass unresponsive teenage boy; if it seems to his mother to be more than that, it might be worth talking her concerns over with her doctor, but if the boy doesn't want to be examined there's not a lot that can be done about it.

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my son today has seemed to make a quick recovery,hes up and about..was rather worrying..hes now complaining of being bored..i will soon kick him into shape theres a few jobs i need doing around the house.weather i get them done or not is another story.it is worrying for me when i see him like that..maybe i was over reacting.i have spoken to my son and he has told me to stop worrying,and going on.that he just felt a bit unwell yesterday and there is no need to worry.with him being the youngest i tend to over protect him.but i am keeping my eye firmly on him..

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I don't believe that anxiety and depression can be passed on genetically but, obviously, children can pick up behavioural traits from observing their parents.


I don't think you've anything to feel guilty about Teeny Weeny, children's development is very complex and no parent can claim to be a perfect example or to be entirely responsible for how their kids turn out. You're clearly a loving parent otherwise you wouldn't be asking the question.

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i have social isolation, extreme high and lows, suicidal thoughts, poor sleep, poor appetite, no friends, live on my own, no job, no partner and feel the loneliest person in the world i am really desperate to meet someone and settle down


is it just me who has this

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i have social isolation, extreme high and lows, suicidal thoughts, poor sleep, poor appetite, no friends, live on my own, no job, no partner and feel the loneliest person in the world i am really desperate to meet someone and settle down


is it just me who has this


if you're depressed (which sounds plausible), I wouldn't advise you on how to live your life, but I would suggest that the depression needs looking at so you can make your own decisions - in my experience, that means anti depressants, then talking therapy (eg CBT) and a gradual re emergance into the world - there are help agencies and doctors and mental heath specialists, all useful if you choose to use them.


good luck fella

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i have social isolation, extreme high and lows, suicidal thoughts, poor sleep, poor appetite, no friends, live on my own, no job, no partner and feel the loneliest person in the world i am really desperate to meet someone and settle down


is it just me who has this


There's a national organisation called 'No Panic' which has recently set up a branch in Sheffield. Have a look here: http://www.sheffieldhelpyourself.org.uk/full_search_new.asp?group=24708


It helps people who suffer from anxiety, isolation, panic attacks etc, with therapy, including CBT, and self help groups. It won't suit everyone who needs or wants help, but you could always give them a ring and see if they could help you in any way. I believe people can also get referrals via their GP.

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