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The royal wedding

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Great way to spend Britains money I say. Thoroughly worth every penny.


Has anyone ever done a cost analysis of the monarchy? Sure, there's the expenditure side. What it costs the taxpayers. But, how about the tourism revenues that the monarchy brings into the economy? All those foreign tourists who visit Britain to see events such as the wedding, see the pageantry that is associated with it on an ongoing basis, and visit historical sites and buildings associated with the Royals. It's too simplistic to just say that they cost a lot of money. What do they bring in? :huh:

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Has anyone ever done a cost analysis of the monarchy? Sure, there's the expenditure side. What it costs the taxpayers. But, how about the tourism revenues that the monarchy brings into the economy? All those foreign tourists who visit Britain to see events such as the wedding, see the pageantry that is associated with it on an ongoing basis, and visit historical sites and buildings associated with the Royals. It's too simplistic to just say that they cost a lot of money. What do they bring in? :huh:


Very well said!

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There are some bloody miserable gits on here, typical lefty tree hugging, anti everything British brigade, moan about everything but contribute very little of anything of their own to anyone or anything...get a life and do something with it...that's what I say, ya grumpy buggars :D

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Has anyone ever done a cost analysis of the monarchy? Sure, there's the expenditure side. What it costs the taxpayers. But, how about the tourism revenues that the monarchy brings into the economy? All those foreign tourists who visit Britain to see events such as the wedding, see the pageantry that is associated with it on an ongoing basis, and visit historical sites and buildings associated with the Royals. It's too simplistic to just say that they cost a lot of money. What do they bring in? :huh:


Without the monarchy, London would have pretty much nothing to offer the average foreign tourist. Pretty much every tourism site has something to do with (or wouldn't exist without) the monarchy. However, two wrongs don't make a right. We could also probably increase tourism by holding public executions but it doesn't mean we should do it

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Has anyone ever done a cost analysis of the monarchy? Sure, there's the expenditure side. What it costs the taxpayers. But, how about the tourism revenues that the monarchy brings into the economy? All those foreign tourists who visit Britain to see events such as the wedding, see the pageantry that is associated with it on an ongoing basis, and visit historical sites and buildings associated with the Royals. It's too simplistic to just say that they cost a lot of money. What do they bring in? :huh:



London Chamber of commerce calculated that the wedding brought £170 million into London alone yesterday whilst the wedding cost circa £27 million.

So it paid for itself and brought in an excess and this didn't include all the other revenue generated around the country and the charity donations that were made in the name of the day.


Therefore all you 'red' Guardian reading individuals who are quite obviously jealous of either success or happiness can keep your comments to yourself.

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London Chamber of commerce calculated that the wedding brought £170 million into London alone yesterday whilst the wedding cost circa £27 million.

So it paid for itself and brought in an excess and this didn't include all the other revenue generated around the country and the charity donations that were made in the name of the day.


Therefore all you 'red' Guardian reading individuals who are quite obviously jealous of either success or happiness can keep your comments to yourself.


Doesn't the term 'success' denote carrying out some sort of action that is deemed 'successful'? What have the Royal family been successful at that enabled them to be part of the Royal family?

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Doesn't the term 'success' denote carrying out some sort of action that is deemed 'successful'? What have the Royal family been successful at that enabled them to be part of the Royal family?


Meant success more in general terms, rather than based on royalty, as the 'loony lefties' take offence at anything and anyone who is successful (or who has more money than them !!).


Having said that though, Charles has turned the Duchy of Cornwall into a profit generating business that benefits both the local communities and various charities.....just as an example.

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