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Propaganda at the Academy

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Went to Propaganda at the Academy last night, expecting the same fantastic night we had last time we went (only been once before). Unfortunately for some reason they'd merged all 3 rooms into the main room downstairs and the music was 90% awful. When I'd looked at the website earlier in the day it was saying there were 3 rooms of music, so I don't know if this was a one-off last minute thing or if it's always like that now. Anyone know? I sure as heck won't be going back if it's going to be like it was last night!

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Went to Propaganda at the Academy last night, expecting the same fantastic night we had last time we went (only been once before). Unfortunately for some reason they'd merged all 3 rooms into the main room downstairs and the music was 90% awful. When I'd looked at the website earlier in the day it was saying there were 3 rooms of music, so I don't know if this was a one-off last minute thing or if it's always like that now. Anyone know? I sure as heck won't be going back if it's going to be like it was last night!


Propaganda annoys me because they claim to be indie but aren't really. I got conned by that once. I ended up in Leadmill last night, wasn't sure what to expect as Fridays are an odd one in Sheffield but it was surprisingly good, excellent indie room!

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Last time we went to Propaganda, the room upstairs was fantastic...the main room isn't remotely indie, but upstairs was everything from newer stuff to proper 90s indie, plus things like Foo Fighters and RHCP. The first hour or so was very much new (and quite bland) indie, but after that we hardly left the dancefloor. I've only been that once though, apart from this weekend, I'm going to give it another chance some time cos hopefully the rubbish night this weekend won't happen again!

Might have to try the Leadmill one Friday, I have heard good things about the indie room.

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