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4 year old asked to pull her dress up to cover her chest

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Britain is turning into a nation of fear, abit like america lol. Everyone is worried that somewhere round the corner in a busy public place is a paedo lurking to grab your child or a terrorist is preparing to bomb you...

As for the whole primark thing, its the same in monkey bizness - was there last week for a party and it was announced over the tannoy that "all children must keep their tops on at all times" because of 2 little boys running round with their shirts off.


Just a shame that because of some lowlife people, our children, well, cant realy be children. Its basically saying keep your children covered up or else youll provoke a paedo.. maybe if there were decent sentences for the sickos we would feel abit safer and could do away with silly rules such as the ones mentioned.


oooh.. that caused a slight rant. oh well. what doesnt?!

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My bold:= then the manager should have been sent for.


No explanation should be required for a topless four year old, maybe the bouncers conduct explains why he's only reached the dizzy heights carreer wise of bouncer at Primark.


BTW which branch of primark was this?


It was the Meadowhall branch.

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I guess the guy didn't notice your daughter was uncomfortable, maybe you could have pointed it out and explained that you were getting clothes from the shop for that reason? As for being offended, I'd say no one was, not even him, but he's probably just following some policy that's in place because we now live in a society where everyone is super careful unfortunately :-(


If i would have had more time to think about it i would have done, but my instant reaction was just to get out of there. Yes i presume it is just policy he was following.

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I can see both sides here ..


I understand your daughter was sore and uncomfy and a child of her age will get irritated with things like that and not realize the world can be a horrible place with sick people in the world.


I also see from the security guards point of view that if he see's a child exposing themselves then he must feel like he's got a duty to say something, you never know who is wandering around shopping with you and theres some sick twisted people around and maybe he thought he was doing good? I very much doubt he intentionally tried to make you feel like you did but I can also imagine it's a tough subject for a grown up man to have to mention to someone.

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Britain is turning into a nation of fear, abit like america lol. Everyone is worried that somewhere round the corner in a busy public place is a paedo lurking to grab your child or a terrorist is preparing to bomb you...

As for the whole primark thing, its the same in monkey bizness - was there last week for a party and it was announced over the tannoy that "all children must keep their tops on at all times" because of 2 little boys running round with their shirts off.


Just a shame that because of some lowlife people, our children, well, cant realy be children. Its basically saying keep your children covered up or else youll provoke a paedo.. maybe if there were decent sentences for the sickos we would feel abit safer and could do away with silly rules such as the ones mentioned.


oooh.. that caused a slight rant. oh well. what doesnt?!


I totally agree

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I can see both sides here ..


I understand your daughter was sore and uncomfy and a child of her age will get irritated with things like that and not realize the world can be a horrible place with sick people in the world.


I also see from the security guards point of view that if he see's a child exposing themselves then he must feel like he's got a duty to say something, you never know who is wandering around shopping with you and theres some sick twisted people around and maybe he thought he was doing good? I very much doubt he intentionally tried to make you feel like you did but I can also imagine it's a tough subject for a grown up man to have to mention to someone.


I think the worse thing for me, was having to explain to my daughter as if she was doing something wrong. I do appreciate he was just doing his job and no doubt it is difficult to approach someone about it. I just think it so sad that children have to cover up due to the possibility of a paedo being around.

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My daughter wanted to wear her princess dress today when we went shopping, about an hour into our shopping trip she was itching like mad and her chest was really red and sore. I went into Primark to buy her something cheap just to slip on till we got home. Whilst we were walking around I pulled down the straps of her dress to try and make her more comfortable but because of this, it kept falling down exposing her chest area and she was pulling at it has it was irritating her. I kept pulling it back up but whilst on our way to pay for the cheap suit I had picked up, the security guard then came over saying quite loudly to get my attention “excuse me” drawing attention from everyone around me he asked, if I could pull my daughters dress up. I just did what he had asked and scurried off very embarrassed.


I don’t quite know what to think about this, just wondered if anyone else has an opinion on the matter. Is it exceptable for a child to walk round with his/her chest uncovered? anyone else experienced anything similar?


I don't see any problem with it me at that age, my little girls 3 and she does the same infact i think she thinks she off the full monty half the time lol in public you have to be carefull i suppose with the dodgy geezers about, i think the security guard must have had an arguament with his other half.

Do what you thinks right love.

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I don't see any problem with it me at that age, my little girls 3 and she does the same infact i think she thinks she off the full monty half the time lol in public you have to be carefull i suppose with the dodgy geezers about, i think the security guard must have had an arguament with his other half.

Do what you thinks right love.



Thank you, I think sometimes you just need other peoples perspective on it, stops me feeling like a bad Mother lol.

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