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Rave / Loud music - May Day Bank Holiday weekend 2011

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whos this aliens guy prat ?? keep groovin my ass !! these selfish gits keep others up all night and they probably dont work. Why make those of us that do suffer all night?

And all he can say is keep groovin !! Prat !!!!!!! and thats being polite !!


Speaking as an ex raver myself, i can assure you that most of the 'ravers' DO work. As for the rave organisers, they usually have to work to pay for the expensive sound systems/rigs they need.

As for keeping you up all night-hmm, a bit of an exageration eh? Its a bank holiday weekend- let them enjoy themselves.

There, now you can call me a 'prat' as well :roll:

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Speaking as an ex raver myself, i can assure you that most of the 'ravers' DO work. As for the rave organisers, they usually have to work to pay for the expensive sound systems/rigs they need.

As for keeping you up all night-hmm, a bit of an exageration eh? Its a bank holiday weekend- let them enjoy themselves.

There, now you can call me a 'prat' as well :roll:


There's nothing wrong with people enjoying themselves. But it WAS all night from around 11 last night until 8.15 this impacts on other people. I was due to go cycling to Derbyshire this morning but had to scatch my plans as I was tired because of a lack of sleep. Lets live, lets enjoy ourselves but lets also have some consideration for one another.

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Just looked at the Council website - it suggests ringing 101. cuts off soon as you ring. Tyry 3 times. Back to the website which sends me to DirectGov website which sends me back to the Council find another number - Commericial and Public Protection Team. Asks me to press 1 if I have a stray dog. Hmmmmm....


Let the council know what happened tell them that you will be taking it up with your MP and or councillor they will get back to you in an effort to gt your vote on the 5th. Sad but true.

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Aaaah, OK. That explains things. I'm in Heeley too and I was awoken around this time by the thumping of the bass. I couldn't work out what where it was coming from but it did seem quite a way away.



It's stopped here now but woke me up at 2:30.


I am in heeley.

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there's a new 'club' attercliffe way which is just a warehouse really. they are using temp entertainment licences to put on commercial events, but the building is not sound insulated at all. they had an all night event on sat night and the bass can be heard in pitsmoor. maybe the noise from this place is what some folk are hearing?

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