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How Do You Remember Times Past?

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The memory is a funny thing when you try to think about your early life the summers were long and hot and lasted for ages!.When I think back I remember the cold winters,and how I tried to keep warm,the outside toilet on a morning like a fridge,waking up in a freezing bedroom,chapped hands and cold feet.There was no central heating in those days,but thats just my memories,what do you remember way back as a youngster in the good old days?:roll::confused::hihi:

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My summers were long and hot. Swimming at Longley baths, out playing til 10. Freedom.


My winters were long and cold. No central heating. Lino and a pegged rug on the bedroom floor. Toilet in the porch warmed by an oil lamp to stop it freezing, but still freedom.


I was lucky, I didn't have to trail along the yard to spend a penny, unless I stayed at my Aunty's where it was a trudge from the attic bedroom across the yard to the outside toilet. Funnily enough, I chose to stay at my Aunty's quite a lot.


I must have been mad.

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i can remember the tin bathtub as a youngster and the outside loo..and the lovely coal fires.life was much simpler then.i can remember my great nan whitening her steps with cardinal and black leading the fireplace.happy days.

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ii can remember my great nan whitening her steps with cardinal and black leading the fireplace.happy days.


We used to whiten our step, but wasn't cardinal red? We had either it (or black) round the edges of the carpet. Used to play jacks on it - good bouncing surface.

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I have quite a few sad memories from my childhood but also many good memories. I remember when I was about 6 at a parent's evening the teacher asked my mum to help me with reading. Mum told the teacher that school was for learning and that she wouldn't help me read at home. I was very upset because I wanted to improve my reading and burst into tears which earned me a slap on the arm - infront of the teacher! Can you imagine that happening today.

Another memory is of the drain in the middle of our yard flooding everytime we had a down pour. I always hoped that the "flood" would stop me having to go to school - it never did.

I remember being left outside shops with my younger brother in his pushchair; something else that doesn't happen today. Walking my aunt's dog, Rex, for hours on Sunday afternoons down Attercliffe. Watching steam trains from a footbridge near my nan's house. Summer days riding my bike around Attercliffe and stopping at the little pop shop near my grans for a 1d glass of dandelion and burdock. Ah the good old days.

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I'm in my mid thirties and remember them increasingly nostalgically!


Remember long hot summers in the early 80s. At school they took us outside for lessons under a tree which I loved. Also remember very cold winters and very deep snow. With hindsight probably only deep due to my height. I remember walking to school in snow over my knees.


We didn't have central heating at home til I was about 10 so can remember very cold mornings not wanting to get up for school!


Very british I've just noticed I've only mentioned the weather...

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