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Advice regarding thieving so and so..

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Ill always roll my eyes at the judgmental know it alls.

Your advice is welcomed but your 'im glad you not my dad,,blah blah blah' is not.

It wouldn't be would it, naturally. I'm not trying to be a judgmental know-it-all, just sad that you seem so hell bent on taking your son to the police to do your job for you, that you don't want to listen to anything else that might work but not be so potentially damaging to his future. :(
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What will you do if the police take it really seriously and insist on giving him a caution? Cautions stay on your record, they're the same as being found guilty of a crime, afaik. That's quite a serious thing.


I agree with you on this ruby, however I would find out from him how much he has already stolen from the shop - whatever is it the father goes to the shop gives them the money and says he was given too much change - keep the son out of it or he will get a reputation, mud sticks


As for the sister, he gives her his pocket money until he has settled his debt


If he dares to steal any more money warn him that he will be grounded indefinitely

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I agree with you on this ruby, however I would find out from him how much he has already stolen from the shop - whatever is it the father goes to the shop gives them the money and says he was given too much change - keep the son out of it or he will get a reputation, mud sticks


As for the sister, he gives her his pocket money until he has settled his debt


If he dares to steal any more money warn him that he will be grounded indefinitely


And demonstrate to the kid that a good way to get out of trouble is with further lies and dishonesty?

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And demonstrate to the kid that a good way to get out of trouble is with further lies and dishonesty?


The kid doesn't have to know that his father has paid the money back - tell me someone who says they have never told a lie and I'll show you a liar, and the father, by giving back money to the shopkeeper would be behaving honestly - his son has a lot to learn at 12 years old - but he doesn't need punishing by having the police brought in when it can be settled in another way

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I think I would scare them, tell them some day this week after school their going into the shop to explain their actions and really ground it into them that they do no take whats not theirs for the taking.


Maybe have them donate something they like to a charity shop will make them put it into perspective.

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The kid doesn't have to know that his father has paid the money back - tell me someone who says they have never told a lie and I'll show you a liar, and the father, by giving back money to the shopkeeper would be behaving honestly - his son has a lot to learn at 12 years old - but he doesn't need punishing by having the police brought in when it can be settled in another way


Even more deceit! I don't think either that the police need involving,as I have already stated. But the boy should make reparations to both the shopkeeper and to his sister.

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Why have you bothered to ask for help? Its quite obvious from your posts that you already know what you are going to do about it without listening to anyone on here :confused: Stop wasting peoples time !

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