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Advice regarding thieving so and so..

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Flattered as I am that people are quoting me and seeking to argue about my comments, I still wouldn't want to press charges against a 12 yr old, or be encouraging the parents taking them to the police station for a telling off. Being arrested and brought home and then taken to the station at the instruction of the police is another thing entirely. Irrespective of my own view of this, I wouldn't waste their time on something I should be able to deal with myself as a parent.


The person you should be addressing is the op, he's the one with the lightfingered child, not me :confused:

It just seems that you're pushing for an argument.

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It just seems that you're pushing for an argument.[/Quote]From where I'm sitting it seems that the op was pushing for an argument with me, and now so are you, for some reason? Other people have said almost exactly the same as I have and yet somehow, I've become the spotball for the afflicated parents to kick.


I really don't care how either you or the op deal with your children. He asked for advice/viewpoints and was given them. Sadly, other people's views don't always chime together, especially where children are concerned, do they?

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It's all down to bad parenting. I was bought up to respect other peoples property and if I wanted something I had to work for it.

You only have to be unfortunate enough to be on a bus at kicking out time for schools to witness the deplorable growing up skills that kids are taught by their parents. I've been on a bus recently where the driver (hat off to him) refused to go any further due to the outrageous behaviour of infants, he called the police.

Meantime, kids are videoing it on their mobis to have a laugh with their mates!

Parents are responsible for this kind of behaviour as they haven't been bothered to bring them up properly. As such, the parent must be made to accept full responsibility until the miscreant they've bought up becomes of legal age, whereby he/she can be imprisoned.

I don't have kids myself but if I did I realise it would be my duty to teach them at the very least, the basic rules of civility.

If a kid starts stealing age 12, they've not been bought up properly ... end of!

Sadly, I notice schools now have to put up eight foot high perimeter fencing to keep the kids in ... hardly a place for education is it? What a very sad world we live in! :loopy:

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It's all down to bad parenting. I was bought up to respect other peoples property and if I wanted something I had to work for it.

You only have to be unfortunate enough to be on a bus at kicking out time for schools to witness the deplorable growing up skills that kids are taught by their parents. I've been on a bus recently where the driver (hat off to him) refused to go any further due to the outrageous behaviour of infants, he called the police.

Meantime, kids are videoing it on their mobis to have a laugh with their mates!

Parents are responsible for this kind of behaviour as they haven't been bothered to bring them up properly. As such, the parent must be made to accept full responsibility until the miscreant they've bought up becomes of legal age, whereby he/she can be imprisoned.

I don't have kids myself but if I did I realise it would be my duty to teach them at the very least, the basic rules of civility.

If a kid starts stealing age 12, they've not been bought up properly ... end of!

Sadly, I notice schools now have to put up eight foot high perimeter fencing to keep the kids in ... hardly a place for education is it? What a very sad world we live in! :loopy:


Whilst I agree with most of what your saying I stongly disagree to your comment that if a child starts stealing at 12 they have not been brought up properly!! The OP asked for advice because there are no rule books to parenting.. My son attempted to steal at 12 and a visit to the cop shop sorted it (see previous post)...all children will test bounderies at some point in there lives that's just human nature.


TBH havind read the entire thread some of the advise offered on here surprises me with people suggesting covering for the child etc...I'm totally behind the OP's idea to take him to the cop shop because that situation will be far more of a shock and a deterent to the child, the suggestions that that will give the child a criminal record are just stupid to be frank.


I have 4 children and only 1 has ever attempted to steal so does that make me a bad parent to 1 child whilst being a good parent to the other 3??!!


Lastly I'll add that it did work!! my son has never attempted anything like that since and he still recalls how scared he was that day!!

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I don't really care, I just saw you'd been online almost constantly since 9 am to now. Was just wondering how you'd found the time, is all. :)



My my, clutching at straws now eh.?

Youll be having a go at me for my spelling next.

What has my time table got to do with you?

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From where I'm sitting it seems that the op was pushing for an argument with me, and now so are you, for some reason? Other people have said almost exactly the same as I have and yet somehow, I've become the spotball for the afflicated parents to kick.


I really don't care how either you or the op deal with your children. He asked for advice/viewpoints and was given them. Sadly, other people's views don't always chime together, especially where children are concerned, do they?

Completely wrong all I did was point out that under a certain age cautions do not carry through to adulthood which is contrary to what you posted abouy the child having a criminal record.


To which you saw reason to reply:-


Originally Posted by rubydazzler

Flattered as I am that people are quoting me and seeking to argue about my comments,


In no way was I arguing with you, I suggest you take a deep breath.

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Whilst I agree with most of what your saying I stongly disagree to your comment that if a child starts stealing at 12 they have not been brought up properly!! The OP asked for advice because there are no rule books to parenting.. My son attempted to steal at 12 and a visit to the cop shop sorted it (see previous post)...all children will test bounderies at some point in there lives that's just human nature.


TBH havind read the entire thread some of the advise offered on here surprises me with people suggesting covering for the child etc...I'm totally behind the OP's idea to take him to the cop shop because that situation will be far more of a shock and a deterent to the child, the suggestions that that will give the child a criminal record are just stupid to be frank.


I have 4 children and only 1 has ever attempted to steal so does that make me a bad parent to 1 child whilst being a good parent to the other 3??!!


Lastly I'll add that it did work!! my son has never attempted anything like that since and he still recalls how scared he was that day!!


Agree 100%, like you 4 children, only one caught shoplifting, visit to the local nick sorted him out.

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I have 4 children and only 1 has ever attempted to steal so does that make me a bad parent to 1 child whilst being a good parent to the other 3??!!


Lastly I'll add that it did work!! my son has never attempted anything like that since and he still recalls how scared he was that day!!

It's down to the parent to think wether they're good or bad at bringing up their kids ... deep down they should know. There's no point asking me or anyone else who doesn't know you. I don't know you from Adam ... you're the one who's spent many years bringing your kids up, are you happy with the results? I hope so because it's down to your teaching how they behave.

Don't get me wrong ... I'm not having a pop at you, you just have to ask yourself the question, not others. :)

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