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Bents green school memories

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Who remembers the dentist on Leopold street Sheffield in the 1970,s. I will never forget sitting in the waiting room with about 8 other kids. When he came out Mr Copestake dressed from head to toe in green. then one by one the kids were took in and sat in the dentists chair then all you could hear was the screams


Copestake had a reputation for being a real so-and-so. I remember my mother going ballistic about him doing some work (extractions) on my sister's teeth, without my mother's authorisation.


We had our own, family dentist who took care of our teeth, and Copestake had no business doing anything to my sister's teeth, not even an examination, never mind the extractions, (!!)

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There are a lot of threads on here about BGS but I always like to hear about the place. I attended from 1966 - 1974 and Mr Bailey was wonderful. I bought a pub in the Peak district in the late 80s and it was'nt until five years later I heard that Mr Bailey had died, but the sad thing was he only lived about ten minutes from my pub and I did'nt know. His wife and daughter Fiona are still there (quite eccentric!). I am still in touch with Mrs Seddon who has not been in the best of health recently.

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one of my charges went to bents green , he was autistic, he did very well and enjoyed school life there , he didn't like the saturday club !!! because he wanted to go to Crich to ride on the trams !

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There are a lot of threads on here about BGS but I always like to hear about the place. I attended from 1966 - 1974 and Mr Bailey was wonderful. I bought a pub in the Peak district in the late 80s and it was'nt until five years later I heard that Mr Bailey had died, but the sad thing was he only lived about ten minutes from my pub and I did'nt know. His wife and daughter Fiona are still there (quite eccentric!). I am still in touch with Mrs Seddon who has not been in the best of health recently.


He wasn't my headmaster, but I knew him, being associated with BGS, through my sister's attendance there. He was, certainly, the loveliest chap you could meet, and he has my eternal admiration and respect for how he, and his "regime" helped "our-kid" come on so tremendously well there.


I was so very proud of our-kid, as in the last year of school, she got presented with a "progress prize" for her achievements.


She knew nothing about the prize beforehand:- she thought Mum and I had simply come to hear her singing in the school choir. The look of amazement on her face when her name was announced as the winner was priceless. *sniffles proudly at the memory*

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my mom went to bents green open air school when she was about 12 think it would be about 1934 she was there because she was a sickly child . must have done her some good as she will be 90 next month

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my mom went to bents green open air school when she was about 12 think it would be about 1934 she was there because she was a sickly child . must have done her some good as she will be 90 next month


Bents Green was so far out into the beautiful countryside and fresh air, that the children benefited greatly from being away from the smog and pollution of the city. A lot of "delicate" children went there in its early years.

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i went to Bents Green school or Bents Green Open Air School as knew it. I went around 1947/48. I seem to remember teacher called Miss Inch. We had to have a sleep in the afternoon, we slept on strechers which was stacked in the flat roof class rooms. Some where in early summer, we had an open day where parents came and we put on a display, while I was there I took part in a Maypole dance. alfred rd


Alfred rd you must have been there around the time my mum went.She was sent there as she was a delicate child but often talks of the afternoon naps on the strechers in the open air.she is 73yrs old now..

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I attended Bents Green Open Air School, as it was then known, between 1960and 1966. I was both a resident and a daily attender at different times. My memories are of many happy times, a very easy going lifestyle, plenty of fresh air, long walks to Forge Dam and the Round house. I never quite made it there before the return journey, due to my slow pace of walking, Teachers of the time were Mr Bailey, Mr Vardy, Mrs Jones, Mr Orgill, Miss Jubb, Miss Dodd, and Mr Slater who was a teacher for the partially sighted children. My one regret is that I didnt get as good an education as I could have in a normal school, but I later studied and trained in catering, brought up my family, ran a sewing business for over 20 years, and finally retrained as a pre school keyworker untill finally retiring recently. So after some consideration I think Bents Green worked for me! :)

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I attended Bents Green Open Air School, as it was then known, between 1960and 1966. I was both a resident and a daily attender at different times. My memories are of many happy times, a very easy going lifestyle, plenty of fresh air, long walks to Forge Dam and the Round house. I never quite made it there before the return journey, due to my slow pace of walking, Teachers of the time were Mr Bailey, Mr Vardy, Mrs Jones, Mr Orgill, Miss Jubb, Miss Dodd, and Mr Slater who was a teacher for the partially sighted children. My one regret is that I didnt get as good an education as I could have in a normal school, but I later studied and trained in catering, brought up my family, ran a sewing business for over 20 years, and finally retrained as a pre school keyworker untill finally retiring recently. So after some consideration I think Bents Green worked for me! :)

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