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The mess Labour left us..

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One good thing the tories are doing is trying to regulate the banks, if we hadnt built our economy around city boys moving data around a computer screen we wouldnt be in this mess...


The banks have been regulated for years, albeit very badly. What they are currently doing is taking deposits and giving bog all interest, whilst charging the earth for good quality, long standing borrowings. They are turning down perfectly good private and business loan applications, whilst paying fortunes in bonuses.


We own most of the banks Mr Osborne, how about ordering them to get their acts together?

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‘We have to make difficult decisions because of the mess left us by Labour.’ We don’t hear this so often anymore because they have realised that no one believes it.


Some on here don't want to believe it.


Not quite the same thing.

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But who caused the 'mess' Wasn't it the bankers?
You do post some Socialist tripe.The Banks are paying there loans back in case you did not know.Your post regarding banks is just a smoke screen to try to cover up the real offenders in this country that caused the huge mess we are in now.Anyway now the kids have been kicked out of the sweet shop,we might start to get this country on its feet again,starting with a haircut for the public sector,immigration and the welfare bubble!

It goes without saying that the bonus structure in this country whether in the private or public sector, has become an obscenity to most right minded people,and like the state of the country in general needs a massive overhaul.

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Oh dear. Another "labour good, tories bad" sheep content just to repeat Labour party press releases over and over again.


Why not try thinking for yourself for a change instead of just doing as your party tells you?


And Why not? What comes around goes around; look at the mess Labour had to clear up after tories sold off everything and ground the entire economy to a standstill.

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One good thing the tories are doing is trying to regulate the banks, if we hadnt built our economy around city boys moving data around a computer screen we wouldnt be in this mess...


And who deregulated the banks in the first place, wasn it The Snatcher in 1980 per chance?

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Guest sibon
We just have get through the downturn for a while longer and then there'll be another boom. There always is.


Unless we are in the middle of a shift in economic power... eastwards.


Just because something has "always happened", doesn't mean that it always will happen.


Just ask the Japanese.

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But who caused the 'mess' Wasn't it the bankers?


how much money was given to the banks?

how much is the country in debt by?

what is the difference and who was in power when the debt was accrued?

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