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Ian Tomlinson Verdict: Unlawful Killing

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You really are quite a vile individual, aren't you.


I thought you were the ultra sensible one on here who goes around censoring people for making personal comments?


If you want to have an infantile reaction to my comments and assume that I think it's wonderful he's dead then go ahead and work yourself up while I laugh at you.

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Makes no difference.


He attacked a member of the public going about his lawful business.


Eye of the beholder. To the cop he was just another rioter hovering nearby for no reason despite being told to move away.

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Yes if they smash their skull on the way down or another similar injury.


Like internal bleeding, after being smacked from behind by a thug wielding a baton, then being violently pushed to the ground.


A bloke falling a few feet forward with his head making no contact with the ground is not deadly.


Are you really the dodgy pathologist Patel? You seem to know the same as he does (though a further six pathologists have proven him to be wrong - to the point even he accepted he could have been wrong).


I too found the cop in question over aggressive


The you must surely agree that the correct inquest verdict has been returned.


Tomlinson was obviously very close to death.



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you understand of course he did not look like an ordinary bloke simply walking home from work? It was in the middle of a riot, a heavy looking bloke in a Millwall top repeatedly refuses to do as he's told and is walking annoyingly in front of a group of riot police instead of staying well away. Him getting hit with the baton was inevitable.


Soooo - back to the officers and dog handlers, not part of the group of protester, hands in pockets (so he couldn't attack, protect himself or cushion a fall) walking away from the police officers is not an ordinary bloke on his way home from work but instead some sort of immediate threat!? Getting hit with a baton was only inevitable if there was an aggressive and over-zealous police officer there and apparently there was.

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Eye of the beholder. To the cop he was just another rioter hovering nearby for no reason despite being told to move away.


Strange none of the inquest jury agreed with the officer's description of events.

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Are you a doctor? Me thinks not. Push somone to the ground without them expecting it and any number of crytical injuries can occur. A rib snaps and punture a lung, any organ can be ruptured ie liver, blood vessal can be torn and you bleed out. Are you a copper? or married to one. It was at least assult resulting in ABH of GBH. Ive have seen what some of our boys in blue think is acceptable I'm not saying all but the coppa who pushed the guy should be tried for GBH.


As a special constable back in the 80's I saw a number of coppers dish out some quite sickening beatings but I was to young and to weak to open my shop and do the right thing. I left the specials and never went to my regular police interview. Directly because of what I had seen.


But none of the medical horrors you suggest happened. He fell a few feet forward onto a flat surface hands first. I love the way everyone thinks if you defend the cops on here you are some kind of fascist thinking he deserved it. Yes it was a tragedy but in the circumstances acceptable. I wonder what the reaction would be if a bloke was attacking the police, got rammed and died? I expect everyone would still be saying the police were too rough.

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Eye of the beholder. To the cop he was just another rioter hovering nearby for no reason despite being told to move away.


Oh right because he thought he was a rioter the its Ok to assult him. I now know were you are comin from. You plank. What is the rule of law if those upholding the law don't abide by it also. Yo are a true idiot.

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Strange none of the inquest jury agreed with the officer's description of events.


That is true and I'm not going to say the jury are stupid simply because they don't agree with me. That is exactly what you would have done had they not returned an unlawful killing verdict because you see yourself as some kind of intellectual.


I suspect the jury have made an emotional decision influenced by Tomlinson's relatives. If you think I'm vile you should hear some of the comments I've heard about them e.g. 'pikeys'.

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