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Ian Tomlinson Verdict: Unlawful Killing

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next time they have a riot in london all the cops should take the day off.


So they think the police should either be above the law or not do their job at all? You've really thought that one through!

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But again, that is the very definition of manslaughter. It doesn't matter that he was sick.


Well I'll take your word for it, manslaughter it is then. The cop pushed him which was the catalyst for his sick body to shut down. Had the cop batoned him to the floor and he died instantly or never regained consciousness then I'd have the same attitude as everyone else.

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Why is that question stupid. You have stated that he and his actions didn't appear normal. I'm asking what you thought appeared out of the ordinary about them. He appeared to be a very ordinary middle aged bloke to me - what am I missing?


A clearly rough looking heavy shuffling slowly along right in front of a crowd of riot cops. He could easily be mistaken for a drunken football thug by the look of him. Most men of his age do not look like that and would have kept away from police with a spring in their step not shuffled lifelessly along.

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This is obviously an emotive subject but please try to discuss it like adults. Attack the post, not the poster. Anyone resorting to calling other members idiots, stupid or using similar insults will be removed from the forum.


It would be a shame if we had to close a thread about such an important topic but that is what will happen if people don't respect the forum rules.

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I am not a troll


Are you sure? As some of your posts are quite disparaging in tone.


I've been on here for years.


What's the length of time you've been a member got to do with anything?




I would have been banned in 2006 had I come on here just to troll.


No one has said that you joined to troll, merely that you were one.


BTW. Not all trolls get banned (providing they stay "within the rules").


You disagree with me so I am a troll.?


No. The tone and content of some of your posts suggests you are a troll on certain subjects (posting to get a response).


A very egotistical view of the world.


Your view is indeed:


You realise of course much of the country agrees with me?


Go on then, how'd you come to this insane conclusion (I'm pretty certain there's been no poll on this as yet)?


in your opinion and not that of the experienced officer.


Which experienced officer, because Harwood admitted there was no immediate threat?


Don't ask stupid questions, it doesn't help your case.


You ask why people label you a troll, then make another trollish post.


Why can you not answer a simple question (after all, it was you that made the claim that he wasn't acting like an ordinary person).

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So they think the police should either be above the law or not do their job at all? You've really thought that one through!


No, i think they should just take the day off.


Then i want to see your posts the day after.


Thats all.

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Child. "Mummy mummy, the nasty boy didn't agree with me so I want to hit him".:loopy:[/QUOT


Hit you? your not worth it. You seam to have lost you humanity, thats enough punishment for any one. You have a warped view of our world and how it should be ruled. I'd move to one of the Arab countries that is in termoil at the mo and join thier rulling elite, you are a pefect candidate for dishing out beatings. Where you beaten as a child?

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