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Should pictures of Bin Laden's corpse be released?

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How so? They shot him. He's dead. Which I believe was the objective, was it not?


Exactly. It's clear what they were supposed to do, and everything went without a glitch, even when the helicopter had problems everything still went smooth, they torched the helicopter, raided the house, killed him, grabbed him and were gone before even the Pakistan army had got there!

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Exactly. It's clear what they were supposed to do, and everything went without a glitch, even when the helicopter had problems everything still went smooth, they torched the helicopter, raided the house, killed him, grabbed him and were gone before even the Pakistan army had got there!


How do you know all this? Do you believe it?

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How do you know all this? Do you believe it?


Because the timeframe is something we DO know about, as that's something they could track from the white house and that has been spoke about since it happened. Plus the video clearly shows the helicopter in flames shortly after they left and the wreckage can be seen even now.


Yes I believe it, how about you answer those questions along with other theorists that I asked a few pages back and that I've asked about 5 times for people to answer but no one has. I have a feeling it's because they can't, it was the same people in the 9/11 thread (except you if I remember rightly) and I asked questions in the same way then and they couldn't answer them.

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The photos should not be released, he caused enough problems while he was alive. Hopefully he is quickly forgotten in his death, its a shame the news channels are still talking about him.


Its a shame they coulndt do this earlier, we could have done without the 2 wars started because of his actions.

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Because the timeframe is something we DO know about, as that's something they could track from the white house and that has been spoke about since it happened. Plus the video clearly shows the helicopter in flames shortly after they left and the wreckage can be seen even now.


Yes I believe it, how about you answer those questions along with other theorists that I asked a few pages back and that I've asked about 5 times for people to answer but no one has. I have a feeling it's because they can't, it was the same people in the 9/11 thread (except you if I remember rightly) and I asked questions in the same way then and they couldn't answer them.


So do you believe everything the American government tell you, or just the bits that take your fancy?

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So do you believe everything the American government tell you, or just the bits that take your fancy?


I don't know about you but others clearly don't believe anything any government or press say.


You've given 2 choices, none of them apply to me, so it's a impossible question.


I believe what I feel I should believe, which is most of it. Especially when they don't have reason to lie, they haven't lied about it up to now, they wouldn't be able to fake it (actually impossible) and 100's of other factors.


So why WOULDN'T I believe it. Why don't YOU believe it?


I can't just say that I believe everything, because I don't. But saying I just take bits that take my fancy? Bit childish eh?


Still no ones answered questions though. Even if someone came up with the top 3:


Why would they do it

How would they do it and get away with it

Why do you think it


Simple as, none of the theorists have really answered questions yet us with a bit of common sense who see it's clear he's dead and the US are telling the truth have answered all the questions fired at us.

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If a photograph of someone shot several times in the head was released how would anyone positively identify it as Mr. Bin Laden ?

Could be anyone with similar features.


I don't really know what the guy looked like when he was alive.

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