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Should pictures of Bin Laden's corpse be released?

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A sarcophagus is not a corpse, I certainly don't enjoy looking at or talking about corpses, that would be sick!


I'm going to leave this discussion now, it's making me feel queesy.


You know, I did think corpse was perhaps the wrong word. I should have just stuck to dead. From what I gather from what I've seen of your posts you like talking about your wealth. Some people find that quite vulgar. Not criticising, each to their own I suppose.


edit:Though dictionary.com does say a corpse is a dead body so I guess I was right.

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You know, I did think corpse was perhaps the wrong word. I should have just stuck to dead. From what I gather from what I've seen of your posts you like talking about your wealth. Some people find that quite vulgar. Not criticising, each to their own I suppose.


edit:Though dictionary.com does say a corpse is a dead body so I guess I was right.


You are a sick, sick man.



The Troll King works in mysterious ways.

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Does a T J Hooker roll involve rolling over in a corset whilst making sure that your wig doesn't fall off?


Spare me JFK, I dont need to picture what manofstrad gets up to when his wife's out.

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Why would anyone want to start a thread, or talk about someones dead body? Isn't that a bit sick or weird?


It's not a subject I'd choose to dwell on either.


I did read a thread on another forum where they were debating what to do with OBL's dead body. Someone, (obviously a Star Wars fan) suggested encasing him in carbonite and propping him in the lobby of the new WTC. :hihi:

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I'm sure that if he isn't dead Al Whatsit will parade him infront of the cameras in order to make the Yanks look like idiots.


Mind you I don't believe for 1 minute that he was buried at sea. That's a brilliant cover. His body will be wrapped in pig skins and shoved in the deep freeze....just in case.


In case of what ? :hihi:

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Opinion is divided on whether definitive proof is provided that OBL is dead or common sense should prevail and imagery that might inflame a delicate situation is not released for public consumption.


Personally, I believe the pictures should be corroborated independently, perhaps by members of both sides of the US senate or an international panel that can be trusted.


I don't know if they should be released or not, but whether some Muslims will fly into a murderous rampage at the slightest thing they see as insulting their faith should not form part of any decision.

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Yes, the pictures should be released together with footage of him being dumped at sea.


It never bothered them that Saddam (a Muslim) was shown being hung and getting his neck stretched so why the fuss with Bin Laden?


The Iraqis hung Saddam and it was their decision to release photos.

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