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Should pictures of Bin Laden's corpse be released?

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I don't think that's the photo that the user you quoted was referring to;).


it was their decision to release photos.


And what of the video? I'm pretty certain that wasn't authorised by the Iraqi government:confused:

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I too believe that the death should be verrified internationally by a body of trusted people representing each country. It would serve to shut the conspiracy theorists up.


Nothing will ever shut them up. The gains of releasing the photos are nil because if you are sensible you believe he is dead. If you are a conspiracy theorist you will conclude the photos are fake. There will be odballs saying they have seen him for years yet. The losses of releasing the photos are the inflammatory effect they would have.


If the sensible majority of the world realise the US Government would not peddle an easily disproved whopper then there is nothing more to add.

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I don't think they should have to just cos of conspiracy theorists because by releasing them as they said it could just make things worse than they already are. But I think on the basis of just releasing them anyway to show even the people who know that he's dead and gone for good, they should release a picture. Understandable that they won't release the video of the raid though.


One things for sure, even with a picture the conspiracy theorists will be straight there to brand it a fake.

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No matter what is said or proof provided, people will not accept the truth because they don't want to regardless of of it's accurate or not. It's political point scoring and rather childish.

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My Opinion for what it’s worth


Show the world the proof; show the public what Obama and all his staff were supposed to be watching. They were all watching it so why not show the public what they saw. Show us the so called headshot to Bin Laden as it happened. NO? I didn't think so for me this is another moon landing ...It just didn't happen the way the yanks said it did. If they had got Osama they would be parading him all over every newspaper and TV station as they did with Saddam.


Do I believe Bin Laden dead? Yes

Do I believe the recent events? Categorically, NO


A five year old could have come up with a more convincing story.

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My Opinion for what it’s worth


Show the world the proof; show the public what Obama and all his staff were supposed to be watching. They were all watching it so why not show the public what they saw. Show us the so called headshot to Bin Laden as it happened. NO? I didn't think so for me this is another moon landing ...It just didn't happen the way the yanks said it did. If they had got Osama they would be parading him all over every newspaper and TV station as they did with Saddam.


Do I believe Bin Laden dead? Yes

Do I believe the recent events? Categorically, NO


A five year old could have come up with a more convincing story.


Are you seriously suggesting the footage of the attack should be broadcast? That OBL being blasted in the head should be shown to the world?


It didn't happen the way they said it did? How complicated do you think it was? A load of soldiers attacked the compound and killed him, the end. They have told us he was unarmed and one of their helicopters had to be destroyed. What more mysterious truths are you looking for? You also seem to believe you are entitled to see what went on when it is a matter for the US government only. Their word is all anyone is entitled to.

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The CIA are debating if releasing the image of his dead body would just inflame more hatred.

I'm a great believer in proportionality. When the number of UK service personnel killed in Afghanistan reached 100, some of the papers showed a double spread of 100 small boxes, each one showing the smiling face of the person killed. The media could do a similar thing now. 1000 boxes, each with a face of somebody he killed. Then one more box, with his face in it. It could even be placed at random, like a terrorist where's Wally. Proportionality.

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