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Israel warns against Palestinian unity

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I don't agree with the rocket attacks for several reasons but I understand them. Until Israel withdraws from occupied land, there is fat chance of peace in the region and there'll be more terrorist attacks around the world.

The Yanks moan on about 9/11 without the slightest thought it was their own fault for supporting Israel. I disagree with that attack as well but the Yanks have no reason to complain since they invited it in the first place.

Same goes for 7/7 in London. Britain attacked first and didn't like it when the war came to London.

I'll repeat (just for the really stupid) I don't agree with terrorist attacks at all but it's hardly a shock considering what western governments are up to.


The Israelis occupied the land to defend its self; the Arabs were offered their own state in 1947 but chose violence as a means to get what they want. Now they have failed they can't just say OK we will accept what was on offer in 1947.

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if someone was firing rockets indiscriminately at my house from over a wall, i'd hit back with everything i've got, go Israel - i wish this country had big balls like you instead of doing whatever the yanks are doing !


....and if someone occupied your country you'd just sit back and take it?

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The Israelis occupied the land to defend its self; the Arabs were offered their own state in 1947 but chose violence as a means to get what they want. Now they have failed they can't just say OK we will accept what was on offer in 1947.


don't you think that, the 1947 'solution' is the only real chance at peace?

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Sigh, the same old arguement, with the same posters posting the exact same stuff


Wrong the same old argument from the Westernerphobes (anti west/Israel) with more different sensible people now supporting Israel.

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Originally Posted by upinwath

I'll repeat (just for the really stupid) I don't agree with terrorist attacks at all but it's hardly a shock considering what western governments are up to.

And for the realy realy stupid the Soviets provided far more arms etc to all the Arab countries than tiny Israel could ever accommodate in their tiny country. But you (the really really stupid) choose to ignore that.


As Churchill said.

"It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog"

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So how come the muslims tried to take over the world in the late 600s to 732 AD, when the USA wasn't even a country? Israel is just an excuse used by muslims to distract from the bigger picture - the bigger picture being world domination.


Very well said, the trouble in store for the muslim leaders is that they can't kid the people anymore now that various forms of media are available (mobiles/internet/sattelite TV etc).

The young muslims are seeing how they've been kept down and that the real bogeyman isn't Israel but thier own religious 13th century mentality leaders.

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whoa hang on tiger - did you say 'war' to london? you mean the war where 4 muslim psychos committed genocide towards their fellow brits?


4 men, who considered themselves soldiers of Islam, attacked the heart of London to show British people what Britain was doing in Iraq.

Of course they wasted lives and, more importantly, the lives of their victims but they thought they were giving payback for Blair's illegal war in Iraq.


I disagree with what they did and consider their move foolish at best but I can see where they were coming from.


Same goes for the stupid attacks on Glasgow airport and London but we should ask why they did it so those victims didn't die without any reason at all.

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Wrong the same old argument from the Westernerphobes (anti west/Israel) with more different sensible people now supporting Israel.

Change the record, it might be in your head but that doesnt make it true.

Just for the record theres far more anti arab/muslim feeling than anti western on this forum

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