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Israel warns against Palestinian unity

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4I disagree with what they did and consider their move foolish at best but I can see where they were coming from.


What a blatantly stupid thing to say, they were supposedly British citizens who behaved in a treasonable manner.

There are many more in the country who just because they're muslims turn against their host country.

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Just for the record theres far more anti arab/muslim feeling than anti western on this forum

And so there should be, Islam is a pariah sweeping the world again, most of the worlds terrorism is islam based.

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Very well said, the trouble in store for the muslim leaders is that they can't kid the people anymore now that various forms of media are available (mobiles/internet/sattelite TV etc).

The young muslims are seeing how they've been kept down and that the real bogeyman isn't Israel but thier own religious 13th century mentality leaders.


the young Muslims you speak of (talking about Palestinians here) will still want self rule and determination and statehood.

good to see that young Israelis are coming up too and talking more sense.


might not be in the lifetime of many who live today, but i do believe in twenty or so years all this will be a bad memory.

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little jewish kids dont deserve to be blown to pieces in their own home from something that happened over 40 years ago - same as little palestinian kids dont deserve to be blown to bits from israeli retaliation, hamas's rockets are the cause of this misery, they're never gonna get israel to leave or admit theyre wrong so why why why do they do it ? are they really that thick ? :loopy::loopy:

They're brainwashed by their islamic leaders into being suicide bombers/terrorists etc, have you noticed these leaders never get involved with the nitty gritty themselves, they leave that to the brainwashed morons.

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What a blatantly stupid thing to say, they were supposedly British citizens who behaved in a treasonable manner.

There are many more in the country who just because they're muslims turn against their host country.


i think that was a very reasonable thing U said. just because you don't agree with what someone does doesn't mean you can't empathize with their actions or views.

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Same goes for the stupid attacks on Glasgow airport and London but we should ask why they did it so those victims didn't die without any reason at all.

Your posts wouldn't seem so stupid if these terrorists came from Iraq or Afghanistan.

These scumbags who are not citizens of thos two countries have been brainwashed into putting religion before the law of tis land and their loyalty to it.

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whoa hang on tiger - did you say 'war' to london? you mean the war where 4 muslim psychos committed genocide towards their fellow brits?


And those are the operative words "Fellow Brits", if we say send them back the do-gooders say they're British, yet they put religion and other foreigners above their loyalty to the UK.

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good job they have nukes


can you imagine any of the Arab leaders would show the restraint that Israel has?

This highlights the difference between civilised Israelis and despot idolising Arabs.

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