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Israel warns against Palestinian unity

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occasionally Israel has assassinated people in foreign countries yes, but not because they 'don't like' them, as if they're wearing a kind of baseball cap their murderers find aesthetically displeasing. Apart from at least one tragic mistake, they've always been people with not only lots of Israeli blood on their hands, but with the potential to kill many more in future.


Anyone would have to be very naive to think that Israel has the sole franchise on this.

In the last few months the Arabs have slaughtered more of their own people than the number Arab terrorists that have been killed by the Israelis since 1947, yet the minute the Israelis take justifiable action all the bleaters come out of their caves.

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and therein lies the conundrum- how to have peace without concessions? otherwise this can just go on and on and on.

Everyone wants peace rather than pieces, King Hussein of Jordan wanted peace and went a long way to work towards it especialy when he took the brave step to expell the terrorist group Al Fatah (spelling) from Jordan.


Israel is here to stay and as long as the Muslim hierachy have any power there lies the stumbling block.


If the Palestinians put as much effort into demostrating that they can act civilised, foreward thinking and state building instead of acting like 'renta-mob' I'm convinced that the Israelis would view them in a better light.


It has always been my ambition to vist the Holy land and the biblical sites, not because I'm religious but because there is so much history there.

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Everyone wants peace rather than pieces, King Hussein of Jordan wanted peace and went a long way to work towards it especialy when he took the brave step to expell the terrorist group Al Fatah (spelling) from Jordan.


Israel is here to stay and as long as the Muslim hierachy have any power there lies the stumbling block.


If the Palestinians put as much effort into demostrating that they can act civilised, foreward thinking and state building instead of acting like 'renta-mob' I'm convinced that the Israelis would view them in a better light.


It has always been my ambition to vist the Holy land and the biblical sites, not because I'm religious but because there is so much history there.


like you say everyone wants peace. most Palestinians included. the same for Israel. the one sure solution to the problems is that the old guard is dying out on both sides. the young people are more concerned with living and playing than perpetuating long held stereotypes, feuds and stupidity. quick search for grassroots organizations formed by people on both side to build bridges shows that.


it's just sad that we might need to wait out the old fools in power before the blood stops flowing. but the end of 'the war' is coming.

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"Any chance of peace between you two, and we'll kill you" seems to be the message coming from Netanyahu and his extremists.




The leaders of Fatah and Hamas, the main Palestinian factions, have signed a deal in Cairo aimed at ending their four-year rift.






"Yawn" yes your anti-Israeli, we get it, you are becoming boring and repetitive now :rolleyes::|

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Originally Posted by CXC3000

"Any chance of peace between you two, and we'll kill you" seems to be the message coming from Netanyahu and his extremists.


You'll be daft if and when you grow up.

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Mamalocha is talking nonsense as usual. Israel is not in violation of article 49 of the Geneva Convention which is nothing to do with the Middle East and was drafted with the aim of settling the post WW2 European refugees problem, neither is it in violation of UNSCR 242, and neither is the 1967 so-called 'Green Line' any sort of international 'border' at all. It's just the 1949 Armistice Line which marks where the Arabs and Israelis happened to be when the fighting in the 1948 war stopped.


Talking nonsense ? below is article 49 of the geneva convention lets allow people on here to judge.


Article 49 - Population transfer [hide]


Art. 49. Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from occupied territory to the territory of the Occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive.


Nevertheless, the Occupying Power may undertake total or partial evacuation of a given area if the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand. Such evacuations may not involve the displacement of protected persons outside the bounds of the occupied territory except when for material reasons it is impossible to avoid such displacement. Persons thus evacuated shall be transferred back to their homes as soon as hostilities in the area in question have ceased.


The Occupying Power undertaking such transfers or evacuations shall ensure, to the greatest practicable extent, that proper accommodation is provided to receive the protected persons, that the removals are effected in satisfactory conditions of hygiene, health, safety and nutrition, and that members of the same family are not separated.


The Protecting Power shall be informed of any transfers and evacuations as soon as they have taken place.


The Occupying Power shall not detain protected persons in an area particularly exposed to the dangers of war unless the security of the population or imperative military reasons so demand.


The Occupying Power shall not deport or transfer parts of its own civilian population into the territory it occupies.


Make note of the highlighted bit in addition this is from the bbc

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occasionally Israel has assassinated people in foreign countries yes, but not because they 'don't like' them, as if they're wearing a kind of baseball cap their murderers find aesthetically displeasing. Apart from at least one tragic mistake, they've always been people with not only lots of Israeli blood on their hands, but with the potential to kill many more in future.


All by a democratic state :hihi:

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the really rabid anti-Israel brigade never bothered with even mentioning the Fourth Geneva Convention until the mid 1990s, even though it was drafted in the 1940s. What happened was that the PLO had recognised UNSCR 242, like Egypt before them and Jordan would after the PLO did. The really rabid anti-Israel brigade, who don't want Israel to exist and live in peace with its neighbours, got worried because they could see Israel's neighbours making peace with it and needed to find a new device to try to claim actions 'illegal' under international law. In this case - the 4th Geneva Convention.

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