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Argh 3 minute attention span!

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why do I alwys find distractions when trying to work?


Put off essay to do ironing....clean the kitchen....do the pots.....

go back to essay type title.....change font......centre title.....make it bold.....

put off essay to make coffee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Damn it! :x


must concentrate.....:confused:

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Using every ounce of concentration now.....


brain hurts........!


will listen to CD while doin it that might work

or put me off entirely as I dance around like a fool singing into whatever microphone shaped object i can find!





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Nicotine, check Forum

valium, check Forum!!,

vicodin, cheque Forum,

marijuana, check Forum when your ready man

ecstacy, check Forum loads of times

and alcohol.........checkzz Vorum



All this working lark is making me itch



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Originally posted by Mosherchik

Nicotine valium vicodin marijuana ecstacy and alcohol.........


... C C C C C Cocaine!! Nice to hear others listening to great music!! i'm stuck with a radio at work...


Best thing o do when writing essays is not to write them in order... just write whichever bit you want to in no order and then stick all the bits together. That's how I got round my essay block/attention span deficit!! :thumbsup:;)

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Have actually got some work done!


Divine inspiration!

Well plagerism......but its plagerism from my own life so I cant sue myself!


not with my overdraft :D


really could do with getting dressed tho!

Bin starin at screen since I got up!

Gah how intimidating is a blank screen! I lose hours staring at one taunting me......

go on write on me.....I dare ya!


:loopy: is how I feel currently

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Yep you need a break from your PC dude.

I get that way when I'm writing my script, fictional diary, web page etc etc.


Like agent dan says, it's best to scatter brain and type bits of different parts then add em together later.


Works well for me that. Plus regular breaks from screen to pomder what would write best (listen to music, watch some rubbish TV or go for a drive) then come back n do more.


Mental/writers block is bitch when it takes hold!


Whats the essay?

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