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Crime to rise as Cameron cuts Police officers

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Just heard on the news that many Police officers who have been made redundant because of Cameron’s cuts will be asked to re apply as volunteers.


This tells us that the officers were needed and that now there will be less officers on the ground which will obviously lead to more crime…including violent crime.


It won’t effect Cameron’s clowns though because as multi millionaires they live in massive house surrounded by walls with CCTV and can afford to hire security guards.


Has their ever been a more callous and uncaring government? They get rid of public services, destroy jobs, drive down wages, and takes money from the poor, the elderly and the disabled. While at the same time allows the bankers who caused the problems carry on getting outrageous salaries and bonuses.


And what is even more shocking is that Cameron doesn’t have a mandate to do this as he didn’t win the election.


I wonder how he sleeps at night?

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Just heard on the news that many Police officers who have been made redundant because of Cameron’s cuts will be asked to re apply as volunteers.



Surely you mean police officers who were made redundant to pay off the massive debts and budget deficit left by the last government.

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Just heard on the news that many Police officers who have been made redundant because of Cameron’s cuts will be asked to re apply as volunteers.


This tells us that the officers were needed and that now there will be less officers on the ground which will obviously lead to more crime…including violent crime.


It won’t effect Cameron’s clowns though because as multi millionaires they live in massive house surrounded by walls with CCTV and can afford to hire security guards.


Has their ever been a more callous and uncaring government? They get rid of public services, destroy jobs, drive down wages, and takes money from the poor, the elderly and the disabled. While at the same time allows the bankers who caused the problems carry on getting outrageous salaries and bonuses.


And what is even more shocking is that Cameron doesn’t have a mandate to do this as he didn’t win the election.


I wonder how he sleeps at night?


When an employer can no longer afford the staff they employ they usually make them redundant, the police are being retired on a pension, and they can find alternative work to make their pension up or volunteer to go back to work. There are a lot of officers doing back office jobs and if it’s these offices being retired then there is no reason for crime to rise. They are getting a better deal than many British workers that have been made redundant.


Forcibly retired police officers invited to return as volunteers

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Just heard on the news that many Police officers who have been made redundant because of Cameron’s cuts will be asked to re apply as volunteers.


This tells us that the officers were needed and that now there will be less officers on the ground which will obviously lead to more crime…including violent crime.


It won’t effect Cameron’s clowns though because as multi millionaires they live in massive house surrounded by walls with CCTV and can afford to hire security guards.


Has their ever been a more callous and uncaring government? They get rid of public services, destroy jobs, drive down wages, and takes money from the poor, the elderly and the disabled. While at the same time allows the bankers who caused the problems carry on getting outrageous salaries and bonuses.


And what is even more shocking is that Cameron doesn’t have a mandate to do this as he didn’t win the election.


I wonder how he sleeps at night?




Did you know that police officers cannot be made redundant. That would therefore make this a pretty stupid thread.

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Oh dear. Another "labour good, tories bad" sheep content just to repeat Labour party press releases over and over again.


Why not try thinking for yourself for a change instead of just doing as your party tells you?



etc etc etc


he cant. he only has one record and its labour good... tories bad. Have a look at the long list of previous threads from KR and you will see.

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David Cameron is officially a complete dipstick! :loopy:


Even if the Police force re-employs all the fired Officers as volunteer Special Constables, the force still has to pay to train them, and their expenses... Trust me, I've applied 3 times to South Yorks Police Specials (and failed the interview on the third attempt last August), it's not an easy job to get into.

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Has their ever been a more callous and uncaring government? They get rid of public services, destroy jobs, drive down wages, and takes money from the poor


How about the last government? Take "destroy jobs" and "driving down wages".


Labour embraced the concept of outsourcing, which not only saw many jobs go overseas, but drove down wages.


UK contractors replaced with half price overseas IT workers [dated 2009]


Foreign outsourcing 'widens UK pay gap' [dated 2003]

'Million factory jobs lost' under Labour


Below-inflation pay rise for public sector [dated 2007]


Below inflation pay rise for nurses [dated 2007]


Pay rises have fallen behind inflation [dated 2008]


Immigration DID hurt wages and Labour 'under-estimated significantly' the influx, admits Miliband


Eight million people 'economically inactive'


The current coalition government may not be up to much but the kind of hyperbolic nonsense you spout could surely only be swallowed the the very ill-informed or simple minded.


Then again, this is Sheffield Forum, so I'd better not get my hopes up.

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Just heard on the news that many Police officers who have been made redundant because of Cameron’s cuts will be asked to re apply as volunteers.


This tells us that the officers were needed and that now there will be less officers on the ground which will obviously lead to more crime…including violent crime.


It won’t effect Cameron’s clowns though because as multi millionaires they live in massive house surrounded by walls with CCTV and can afford to hire security guards.


Has their ever been a more callous and uncaring government? They get rid of public services, destroy jobs, drive down wages, and takes money from the poor, the elderly and the disabled. While at the same time allows the bankers who caused the problems carry on getting outrageous salaries and bonuses.


And what is even more shocking is that Cameron doesn’t have a mandate to do this as he didn’t win the election.


I wonder how he sleeps at night?


So what if they are being asked to apply as volunteers. Some ex officers cant keep away. A friend of mine took a lump sum to retire and went off to set up his own business. After 6 months doing the office life he couldn't stand it and missed the beat so went back as a SC. Its their choice - they can go and find another job if they want. Most of them will leave with either a nice lump sum or a nice pension arrangement. Employment laws force it that way.


Why will it necessarilly lead to more crime? Do you where the fat is being trimmed. Not every serving officer is on the beat. Some roles hardly take them away from the station but its still classed as a "police officer".


All of Cameron's Clowns live in a mansion surrounded by CCTV and guards do they? All of them? How about all of the 10 million plus tory voters? Do they all live in a protected bubble. Or what about the rest of the parlament Not like Clegg, Blair, Brown or even Griffin to live in a posh house was it!


I think the only thing right in your post is that Cameron didn't win the election. Although he did get the most votes. Hmmmm. In another world one might class that as a win but..... hey, never mind eh roll on AV.

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