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Family outgrow Sheffield council house (Panorama - 4 May 2011)

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Why do the council not buy up some of the houses up at Whirlow, these have 5 plus bedrooms and so would be ideal for bigger familys.


Buy up the houses at Whirlow, Lodge Moor and Sandygate and the problem is solved


My 4 bed house is for sale in Sheffield,why don't the councill buy it off me and stick em in it.

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I blame Thatcher!

To all you saying that the Gurnhill's are on benefits, don't put anything into the sytem, living on handouts and expect something for nothing, where did you get this information? Nowhere in the program did it say that they weren't working and paying full rent. They may just be good honest working folk who have outgrown their house!

It's Sheffield Homes who are at fault not the people in the program. Fact is, when I hit 18 I got a council flat on Norfolk Park within less than a week. Today's youth of Sheffield should be able to do the same. That's what social housing is for. Affordable housing for everyone!!

I just think that something needs to be done. I see houses and flats boarded up all the time. Why aren't these put back into circulation? The bidding sytem is a complete pile of carp. I think it's time they went back to the good old waiting list system. My friend has been actively bidding for 2 years, every week without fail and not once has she been successful.

I have been on the housing list for about 10 years, I put myself on it when I bought my house. I haven't needed to use it yet but should interest rates rise there is a very real possibility that I will lose my house. I'm thinking back to when interest rates were around 15%. This means I will have to apply for social housing. Now I believe that because I have lived in Sheffield all my life and done everything that a proper Sheffielder should that I should be a priority. Unfortunately this isn't going to be the case. Now I have other factors on my side so i'm hoping that if worst does come to the worst i'll be ok. But I hate the thought that me and my family will have to live in a flea bitten, dirty B&B whilst Sheffield Homes get their fingers out!


I've tried to address some of your points with facts, reasons and information.


You don't say when you got a flat within a week. In 2000 people could literally get keys in a few days, there were loads of council properties standing empty, because people were buying houses at very cheap prices. A terraced house in 2000 probably cost less than half the price it went up to by 2005 - and it was only when prices started to really rise that council houses began to be in demand again.


With 10 years waiting time, if you think there is a chance of losing your home, why not bid using your waiting time instead of waiting to become homeless? You could probably get a property with 10 years, sell your house before it gets repossessed, and there would be no reason to have to go into temporary accommodation or a B&B. Read some posts by Reliable, thats what he did. Or sell your house, move into private rented and build up more waiting time? Surely council housing isn't the only choice?


I get fed up of people saying its housing's fault. What they usually mean is the rules don't favour them, or people they know. The number of council houses has reduced, due in part to people buying their homes, some demolition, and some transfers to housing association. And although it was a conservative government who introduced the right to buy, the last labour government did nothing to change the rules. Not exactly the council!


Councils are bound by government legislation, and Sheffield Homes is bound by the council's lettings policy. The old waiting list system wouldn't suddenly produce extra properties, I think what you mean is you don't agree with as many going to priority.


Houses and flats have to be boarded up when they are vacant, even if they are going to be let quickly, because there are morons people who vandalise them. These may even be people who want a council property. How daft is that! If you know of any that have been boarded up for a long time, you could ask why at the housing office, or ask your local councillors to look into the situation.


I don't understand why you think that living in Sheffield all your life qualifies you for more help than someone who might need it more. A family who moved here a few years ago and and who are now homeless might well disagree.


Lastly, you say 'something must be done'. Any suggestions?

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I've tried to address some of your points with facts, reasons and information.


You don't say when you got a flat within a week. 14 years ago


With 10 years waiting time, if you think there is a chance of losing your home, why not bid using your waiting time instead of waiting to become homeless? You could probably get a property with 10 years, sell your house before it gets repossessed, and there would be no reason to have to go into temporary accommodation or a B&B. Read some posts by Reliable, thats what he did. Or sell your house, move into private rented and build up more waiting time? Surely council housing isn't the only choice?

I'm not in danger of losing my house. If interest rates were to rocket then there is a very real chance, as i'm sure there is for many others. If this does happen then I am safe in the knowledge that I have got waiting time should I need to use it. I was mearly sympathising with people that aren't as fortunate.


I get fed up of people saying its housing's fault. What they usually mean is the rules don't favour them, or people they know. The number of council houses has reduced, due in part to people buying their homes, some demolition, and some transfers to housing association. And although it was a conservative government who introduced the right to buy, the last labour government did nothing to change the rules. Not exactly the council!


So who is to blame then? I understand about how social housing has been reduced dramatically over the last 10 years or so but there is absolutely NO excuse for council properties to be stood empty for months and months whilst there are thousands waiting for somewhere to live. And don't tell me that the council turn them over quickly because i've seen with my own eyes that they don't


Councils are bound by government legislation, and Sheffield Homes is bound by the council's lettings policy. The old waiting list system wouldn't suddenly produce extra properties, I think what you mean is you don't agree with as many going to priority.


TBH I agree that if a family is homeless then they should be rehomed immediately however, a homeless family from Sheffield should be rehomed before a homeless family from say Doncaster. The waiting list system was better because there was no confusion. Simply, if you were top of the list you got offered a property if you turned it down you went back to the bottom of the list. It would certainly put an end to the common misconception that dolies/immigrants/junkies/single parents get special treatment.

Houses and flats have to be boarded up when they are vacant, even if they are going to be let quickly, because there are morons people who vandalise them. These may even be people who want a council property. How daft is that! If you know of any that have been boarded up for a long time, you could ask why at the housing office, or ask your local councillors to look into the situation.


I don't understand why you think that living in Sheffield all your life qualifies you for more help than someone who might need it more. A family who moved here a few years ago and and who are now homeless might well disagree.

Ok so maybe I should have not said 'lived here all my life' but I certainly meant that I live in Sheffield. I think this should give me priority over someone living elsewhere. For instance, I know of a family who moved here from Yarmouth approx 8 months ago. They got a 3 bed house, no waiting time. Why should they get a property over someone who lives in Sheffield and has been bidding constantly for 3-4 years?


Lastly, you say 'something must be done'. Any suggestions?


Well for starters they need to get these boarded up properties back into circulation.

I have an old lady next door to me in a 3 bedroom house. That would be ideal for a family so why aren't the council doing something about that?

Something needs to change in the way the bidding system works, it is causing resentment amongst many people and it's not fair.

Put a stop to the RTB scheme.

Stop the council house for life thing.

Finally, yeah more social housing needs to be created and I know there's no money but the city is in a housing crisis. It needs to be addressed by the powers that be and some sort of solution needs to be worked out,

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Why is it that people expect to be given a house where they want, and when they want it? I can understand that the disabled, elderly and sick need to be taken care of, but everyone else is in charge of their own destiny. If you want a house, dont get pregnant or fake homelessness....get a job, save up, and buy or rent one. The benifits system in this country is an absolute joke. "i cant work coz im sick, but i can still father six kids, even though i cant support them"......what a f..king joke. Im ashamed to be a tax payer funding this waltzer of scroungers and "im entitled to it" brigade.

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Why is it that people expect to be given a house where they want, and when they want it? I can understand that the disabled, elderly and sick need to be taken care of, but everyone else is in charge of their own destiny. If you want a house, dont get pregnant or fake homelessness....get a job, save up, and buy or rent one. The benifits system in this country is an absolute joke. "i cant work coz im sick, but i can still father six kids, even though i cant support them"......what a f..king joke. Im ashamed to be a tax payer funding this waltzer of scroungers and "im entitled to it" brigade.


Hear hear!!! I am sick off all these scroungers, I work and pay for a living and am getting fed up of it now. A tactical nuclear scum weapon aimed at the Manor would help (and I used to play there when I was little before anyone starts)

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Well for starters they need to get these boarded up properties back into circulation.

I have an old lady next door to me in a 3 bedroom house. That would be ideal for a family so why aren't the council doing something about that?

Something needs to change in the way the bidding system works, it is causing resentment amongst many people and it's not fair.

Put a stop to the RTB scheme.

Stop the council house for life thing.

Finally, yeah more social housing needs to be created and I know there's no money but the city is in a housing crisis. It needs to be addressed by the powers that be and some sort of solution needs to be worked out,


The council are offering single people in houses with 3+ bedrooms the opportunity to downsize. They are giving them priority for smaller properties, practical help with moving etc.


They can't force anyone to move in those circumstances, although it has been discussed by this government along with tenancies that are not for life. As you can imagine, neither suggestion is popular with many tenants.


It would be great if more social housing was to be built, but housing associations haven't exactly been building in the thousands. It was expected they might fill the gaps a bit more.


The bidding system is actually much more transparent than the old 'waiting list'. http://www.sheffieldhomes.org.uk/myHome/MovingHome/FindANewHome.aspx

I don't understand why people think it isn't. Because priority takes 3 out of 4 properties, and because the bidding system/choice based lettings was introduced just as the demand for council housing was on the increase, people have the idea its not fair. Its as fair as a needs based system can be.


Although the housing register is reported as having over 90000 people on it, only a small proportion are actually bidding on properties. The rest are like you and me, with our names down as insurance in case we might need council housing in the future.

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Hear hear!!! I am sick off all these scroungers, I work and pay for a living and am getting fed up of it now. A tactical nuclear scum weapon aimed at the Manor would help (and I used to play there when I was little before anyone starts)


There is no reason to suggest that everyone who lives in or wants to live in a council house is a scrounger. And the Manor has nothing to do with the counil, its all Housing associations.

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I don't understand why the council knocked down a number of perfectly good council houses on Parson Cross saying 'there was no call for them.'


It was all part of the big bankers scam, they needed house prices to continue to rise in order to fool us all into believing we were making money from owning property and to encourage more and more new mortgages allowing people to borrow more and more money, the value of property was effectively propping up the illusion. Creating scarcity in the market would create the demand.


The Government were only too happy to help and obliged by charging tax on empty property and insisting on regulation that would cost too much to be considered a worthy investment on property that would be likely to be difficult to rent out with a reasonable return.

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Hear hear!!! I am sick off all these scroungers, I work and pay for a living and am getting fed up of it now. A tactical nuclear scum weapon aimed at the Manor would help (and I used to play there when I was little before anyone starts)



Were you born thick or did you go to school to learn how to be? :roll:


This thread has nothing to do with benefits and it has nothing to do with the Manor (which you clearly have no idea about. Playing there means sod all).

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