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Family outgrow Sheffield council house (Panorama - 4 May 2011)

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A lack of what..? You mean council housing.


If the government had rebuilt on the profit of right-to-buy sales there would be no lack. Do you vote tory by any chance? :hihi:


Thats all in the past now, nothing can be done about that, but the remaining social housing could be managed in a much better way.







Yes I did vote Tory :)

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IMO social housing should work like this:


Temporary accomodation untill you get on your feet to get your own place(limits of 6mths-1/2yrs)

If you have a house too big for your need you get placed in a smaller one anywhere(not politley asked)

If you are wanting a social house you get offered one, if you dont take it(area, size etc) tough, you lose your option to social housing.


I'm pretty sure this would make alot of people think about private renting/buying instead.

What is SOCIAL housing!

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What is SOCIAL housing!


Social housing isn't just council houses, as suggested in the link in the previous post. Shelter give a description on their website:

Social housing is housing that is let at low rents and on a secure basis to people in housing need. It is generally provided by councils and not-for-profit organisations such as housing associations.




Shelter are a housing charity, and for anyone who wants help or advice about social housing or homelessness, their website is pretty informative.

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the council dont have that many large houses to rent they have a few 4 bed houses and one or 2 5 bed houses, if people want to rent larger houses they should concider private renting. i"m sure these large families must know housing is limited so why go on producing more kids. everyone as the right to have as many kids as they want but they should also think how all these children are going to be supported, surely they cant expect the authorities to provide extra large house which there arnt any, even with o good job it would be hard to support families with 3 or more children, so i expect they think the council should pick up the bill, obviously they dont think of how their kids will go on in the future if they think having loads of kids will get them houses at the drop of a hat the benefit culture is not the road to go down , think of your oun childhood and what you had to go without

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the council dont have that many large houses to rent they have a few 4 bed houses and one or 2 5 bed houses, if people want to rent larger houses they should concider private renting. i"m sure these large families must know housing is limited so why go on producing more kids. everyone as the right to have as many kids as they want but they should also think how all these children are going to be supported, surely they cant expect the authorities to provide extra large house which there arnt any, even with o good job it would be hard to support families with 3 or more children, so i expect they think the council should pick up the bill, obviously they dont think of how their kids will go on in the future if they think having loads of kids will get them houses at the drop of a hat the benefit culture is not the road to go down , think of your oun childhood and what you had to go without


I'm going to make a large sweeping statement here which probably doesn't apply to most people, but going on what I have seen on TV documentries etc. People keep popping these kids out so they get to keep in their benefit lifestyle, popping more kids out also gets them one step closer to their council mansion (2 3 bedders knocked into one).

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