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Family outgrow Sheffield council house (Panorama - 4 May 2011)

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Rony Robinson this morning talking to a BBC reporter about the Panorama programme tonight.

It's about a family of 9 living in a 3 bed Sheffield council house complaining that the council won't give them a bigger one.

Apart from the mother, no mention of a father, they are aged 21 down to an 18 month old baby. 6 of them are hers, then a niece and a couple of others.

Why should council tenants expect that if they outgrow a house the council should have a duty to find somewhere bigger for them?

The rest of us, non council tenants, have to find somewhere ourselves, either to rent or buy, and pay a load of council tax as well.


The duty of the council is to meet need-bigger house for bigger family.Its thatsimple!

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If people want families that big they should be able to provide housing for themsleves and not rely on handouts, unfortunatley it seems alot of people pop the kids out to get their mansion council houses and can live a life on benefits without having to do a days work.


Makes me sick, lowlife scrounging scum.


Yes the DSS dispense free aphrodisiacs to promote large families who store coal in the bath.And immigrants are top pgf housing list with taxpayers funding driving lessons.Its plain ridiculous

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Seems shes never heard of the word NO! or heard of the BIRTH PILL short of that just keep your legs shut love.


Perhaps she is Catholic who proscribe birth control,or likes having kids.Do mnot worrry they will be doing jobs for you when you are old.Wiping your mouth as you drool over food,or giving you a bed bath to clean you up.

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Rony Robinson this morning talking to a BBC reporter about the Panorama programme tonight.

It's about a family of 9 living in a 3 bed Sheffield council house complaining that the council won't give them a bigger one.

Apart from the mother, no mention of a father, they are aged 21 down to an 18 month old baby. 6 of them are hers, then a niece and a couple of others.

Why should council tenants expect that if they outgrow a house the council should have a duty to find somewhere bigger for them?

The rest of us, non council tenants, have to find somewhere ourselves, either to rent or buy, and pay a load of council tax as well.


Is that the gypsy family that was in the star months ago? It's on now, not that gypsy family.

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It really annoys me, I have 4 kids and would love more but seeing as I only have a 3 bedroom house and cannot afford to buy a bigger one at the minute, I won't be having any more kids! Why the hell should people just keep on having kids for everyone else to pay for and get away with it?


And slightly off subject but kind of linked...there was a council house up for rent across the road from my mums on a very nice council estate with the majority of houses bought...I know of 3 people who applied for this house all with families who were living in flats etc. Anyway the family who got this 2 bedroom house were a family of immigrants who had been in the country a year! (waiting time for this house was 10 years +) And slowly but surely more have joined them, theres about 10 people living there now...wonder if they'll be demanding a bigger house now?

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It really annoys me, I have 4 kids and would love more but seeing as I only have a 3 bedroom house and cannot afford to buy a bigger one at the minute, I won't be having any more kids! Why the hell should people just keep on having kids for everyone else to pay for and get away with it?


And slightly off subject but kind of linked...there was a council house up for rent across the road from my mums on a very nice council estate with the majority of houses bought...I know of 3 people who applied for this house all with families who were living in flats etc. Anyway the family who got this 2 bedroom house were a family of immigrants who had been in the country a year! (waiting time for this house was 10 years +) And slowly but surely more have joined them, theres about 10 people living there now...wonder if they'll be demanding a bigger house now?


Why do you need more than 4 kids?


I assume you know all the families circumstances? Including the immigrants?

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