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Family outgrow Sheffield council house (Panorama - 4 May 2011)

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What about people who work hard for many years, saving their own money? It isn't rocket science, but many people fail to do this.


I've not had any help from anyone, and neither have my friends who all own their own houses. Its time to stop moaning and do something about it.


Agreed mate thats what my interview was about , but it did not make the programme due to the bent copper as i was told by the producer , i had my own home for 18 yrs and worked hard to pay the morgage , but thanks to my mum i had my name on the council from 16 yrs old but i never thought i would everrrrrrrrrrrr have to use my waiting time until the recession where i had no work , so my big decision was use my council waiting time to bid on propertys on sheffield homes website , which i did keep updated every year even though i owned my own propperty , so i had 20 yrs waiting time . i made that move and got a council house last august after bidding for 2 month on properties on sheffield homes website , which now to date lookin back if i did not do what i did i would have had my home reposesed , so my waiting time saved my neck and 19 yrs of working hard for , so i saw myself on the good end of the council , which i think should have been shown on the panorama program ..... ps if i have missed points im sure i will get ask questions by fellow members , and just to point out iam now out of work and have been looking for a fulltime job since before christmas and still no joy , so lifes not all good we just have to keep plodding on ... untill we drop :)

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Whilst I agree that the situation with social housing is appalling, I can't muster up much sympathy for people who keep on having children, despite living in already over-crowded accommodation.


Neither do I feel sorry for an unemployed couple, who are in debt, yet still go ahead and have a baby! From what I could make out, the pregnancy didn't appear to be planned - but there's no excuse in this day and age to get pregnant unless you want to. And I noticed that she was shopping for a nice, new pushchair and the baby clothes she was faffing about with, no doubt to gain the viewers' sympathy, were obviously new, because they still had the labels on them.


If you're unemployed and in debt, how can you can afford all these things?


And, before anybody jumps on me, I'd like to point out that I dressed in second-hand/home-made clothes for many years, because new clothes (or furniture for that matter) were something I couldn't afford, despite working, because my partner and I were buying our own house.


People get rewarded for being in debt.


The only reason interest rates are so low is to protect the indebted, at the expense of the prudent.


Thats why you have young men working full time for a pittance, and single mothers doing 16 hours getting tax credits etc. living it up, buying a house, holidaying abroad yearly and inland thrice a year, running a car etc.


That girl was probably in debt from buying things for her flat and for the baby.

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Agreed mate thats what my interview was about , but it did not make the programme due to the bent copper as i was told by the producer , i had my own home for 18 yrs and worked hard to pay the morgage , but thanks to my mum i had my name on the council from 16 yrs old but i never thought i would everrrrrrrrrrrr have to use my waiting time until the recession where i had no work , so my big decision was use my council waiting time to bid on propertys on sheffield homes website , which i did keep updated every year even though i owned my own propperty , so i had 20 yrs waiting time . i made that move and got a council house last august after bidding for 2 month on properties on sheffield homes website , which now to date lookin back if i did not do what i did i would have had my home reposesed , so my waiting time saved my neck and 19 yrs of working hard for , so i saw myself on the good end of the council , which i think should have been shown on the panorama program ..... ps if i have missed points im sure i will get ask questions by fellow members , and just to point out iam now out of work and have been looking for a fulltime job since before christmas and still no joy , so lifes not all good we just have to keep plodding on ... untill we drop :)


So if it wasn't for waiting time you would have been repossessed for being unable to pay your mortgage? and forced to live in a hostel before getting a property some 3 months later via the priority system?

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So if it wasn't for waiting time you would have been repossessed for being unable to pay your mortgage? and forced to live in a hostel before getting a property some 3 months later via the priority system?


I dread to think to be honest , i would have been re possed for sure i can assure you that as even 12 months on i have very little work and only by selling my own home has paid of dets ect i put my house up for sale before times got to in dedt but i was broke lets say until my own home was sold , so yes if it wasnt for 20 yrs waiting time i can assure you i would have being in a hostel , it was only my desicion over 18 months ago that made us ok now , if i sat back and said it will all be ok , i would have messed up 19 yrs plus of paying a morgage up and trying to look after my family , so i see all sides of sheffield homes waiting time ect ...... My advice is get your name on the list and the longer your waiting the better chance you have , butttttttttt i know times are harder now so i dread to think people who cant afford morgages ect , ... Which i must say i took a 100% morgage at 18yrs old which left me with no money at the end of the week even going back 18 yrs , so trust me i havent had a easy ride, but like i said the council bidding system saved me and my familys neck and it wasnt throgh not workin hard all mty life , which i have not sighned on from 16 yr old to this day and iam now 39 , so im now system screwer which alot will think ?

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I dread to think to be honest , i would have been re possed for sure i can assure you that as even 12 months on i have very little work and only by selling my own home has paid of dets ect i put my house up for sale before times got to in dedt but i was broke lets say until my own home was sold , swo yes if it wasnt for 20 yrs waiting time i can assure you i would have being in a hostel , it was only my desicion over 18 months ago that made us ok now if i sat back and said it will all be ok , i would have messed up 19 yrs plus of paying a morgage up and trying to look after my family , so i see all sides of sheffield homes waiting time ect ...... My advice is get your name on the list and the longer your waiting the better chance you have , butttttttttt i know times are harder now so i dread to thiunk people who cant afford morgages ect , ... Which i must say i took a 100% morgage at 18yrs old which left me with no money at the end of the week even going back 18 yrs , so trust me i havent had a easy ride, but like i said the council bidding system saved me and my familys neck and it wasnt throgh not workin hard all mty life , which i have not sighned on from 16 yr old to this day and iam now 39 , so im now system screwer which alot will think ?


Sad fact of the matter is, people have to wait 10 years plus and you have to be 16 to put your name down on the list.


When this generation is 30? maybe they can move out from home?


And the person who bought your house is quite likely to default on their mortgage, be repossessed and thrown into a hostel before getting a property proportional to their family size a few months after.


Normal people are being robbed. By banks, and by landlords.


Yourself included. However, the waiting time you managed to accrue over 39 years of life provided you with a social safety net that is not available to the youth of today, and as such your lot is better than that of the next generation.


And you haven't had it easy yourself!

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Sad fact of the matter is, people have to wait 10 years plus and you have to be 16 to put your name down on the list.


When this generation is 30? maybe they can move out from home?


And the person who bought your house is quite likely to default on their mortgage, be repossessed and thrown into a hostel before getting a property proportional to their family size a few months after.


Normal people are being robbed. By banks, and by landlords.


Yourself included. However, the waiting time you managed to accrue over 39 years of life provided you with a social safety net that is not available to the youth of today, and as such your lot is better than that of the next generation.


And you haven't had it easy yourself!


In my eyes i see i played the system correct , would you agree, ??????????? I would rather have seen my council house go to other families in more need , but do you agree i also deserved my council home as i have tried to pay my own way for along time but due to the recession i failed, sooooooooo the coucil waiting time is correct and bennifitted those like me who had played the system correct .... ie had my name on waiting time just incase life brought problems like the recession for self employed tradesmen as myself ?

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Fact is this.


While ever men who go to work and earn peanuts can't afford to by a cardboard box




men who put it about and take drugs, drink and earn more than a hard working man, then things will never change


It will take a brave polititian to change things, and to do that would be political suicide, too many people are depandant on the welfare state.


We need women to


1) keep their legs shut


2) Open open wide, when a decent man comes along who will support her and the family - and only have sex with that type


That will never happen because the more kids a woman pops out, the higher up the housing list she goes, the offspring see this and when they grow up, they too will be popping out kids for england, which creates more strain on housing.


Which pushes house prices up and also rents


Which leaves the hard working young man who earns peanuts even further out in the cold. You think its bad now, just give it 20 years and you will see real problems.


Add to the mix mass immigration + plus the fact no new homes are being built to accomodate the new arrivals, and as Captain Kirk famously said...."OH BALLS !!! " when he realised he had gone to the toilet and not taken down his trowsers

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In my eyes i see i played the system correct , would you agree, ??????????? I would rather have seen my council house go to other families in more need , but do you agree i also deserved my council home as i have tried to pay my own way for along time but due to the recession i failed, sooooooooo the coucil waiting time is correct and bennifitted those like me who had played the system correct .... ie had my name on waiting time just incase life brought problems like the recession for self employed tradesmen as myself ?


I don't think you've done anything wrong. But imagine someone who is in exactly the same situation but didn't think to join the council list at 16. Is it fair that they don't get the same help you got?


Please, please don't think I'm having a go at you - you didn't do anything wrong. But the system is wrong if it treats that person differently to you.

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In my eyes i see i played the system correct , would you agree, ??????????? I would rather have seen my council house go to other families in more need , but do you agree i also deserved my council home as i have tried to pay my own way for along time but due to the recession i failed, sooooooooo the coucil waiting time is correct and bennifitted those like me who had played the system correct .... ie had my name on waiting time just incase life brought problems like the recession for self employed tradesmen as myself ?


Everyone without a home deserves a council home.


I'd go as far as to say everyone in the world without a home deserves some form of basic shelter.


Bit of food and a roof over their heads. These people could then work and realize the fruits of their labour.


As it stands, quite often 40 hours of minimum wage work = less than housing benefit entitlement if unemployed (or at least a very large % of a mans wage, and that is before council tax [effectively levied upon people not property]).


The system is at fault. Working people need to claim housing benefit. we are paying taxes to then pay out benefits to ourselves that are used to keep the price of property artificially high. This benefits only a few landlords whom own outright.


The worker cannot afford housing, nor can the unemployed, the only person whom can, is the person whom already owns a lot of housing and extracts money from the working classes via the housing he owns.

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I don't think you've done anything wrong. But imagine someone who is in exactly the same situation but didn't think to join the council list at 16. Is it fair that they don't get the same help you got?


Please, please don't think I'm having a go at you - you didn't do anything wrong. But the system is wrong if it treats that person differently to you.


I know all you are saying and no somebody at 16 should not be allowed the same as i was in my eyes , i payed a morgage, tax ect ect ect for a longgggggg time ie 18 yrs plus , but when i needed the council they was there for me as i played the system correct , trouble i see now is alot of 16 - 18 yr olds sit on there buts and moan they cant have a house ect , well i say get of yer but and prove you have tried and people and the system may support you more . I know you are not having ago , but if i did not have my name on the council due to my mum i would have been suicidle for for sure as i worked lots of hours from a young age to provide the best for my family , and yes i feel i failed them as i dont own my own home now but i have money in the bank for my sons future so hopefully he wont need a council house in the future which will leave propertys for others ......... PS MY ADVICE IS TO ALL PARENTS AND TEENAGERS IS GET YOUR NAME DOWN A.S.A.P AS YOU NEVER KNOW WHEN YOU MAY NEED THE COUNCIL WAITING TIMES HELP ?

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