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An explanation of why FPTP isnt fair

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Many of the backers of AV have claimed it is the first stage in the direction of PR.

It was PR which allowed the nazi MEPS to be elected a couple of years ago , on just 6% of the vote.


If it ain't broke don't fix it!


Thats just the problem though. It is.After watching the video, I cant see how anyone cannot see that.

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It may not seem fair to you, but the fact that they were the most popular candidate seems a pretty good reason for him or her to win the vote. The fairest system surely is the one where the most popular candidate wins?


Too many people want to change the system purely because they think it will help their less popular party to win, or because they think (probably mistakenly) that it will keep parties like the BNP out. Nothing to do with wanting a fair system. Even Clegg didn't think AV was a good idea until he was made deputy PM!

And he knows it isn't perfect, but that it is a step forward.


and The Independant, really the only balanced newspaper thinks it too.



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If you think AV is better than FPTP, vote Yes.


If you think FPTP is better than AV, vote No.


If you don't have a preference, but hate Clegg/Cameron or support PR, then spoil your ballot paper, and let those of us who care decide.

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Daftlad & Wednesday, please please please put the hatred of LIb Dems and Clegg to one side. The AV vote is important enough we managed to get a referendum on it. Its not a punch bag for Clegg.


AV will make our MP's work for US, and not the bloody whips, bankers, unions, big business or anyone else who grease the palms of our MP's now.


AV wont allow anymore soft and easy seats.


On a first past the post system, we can have an MP with 30% of the electorate voting for him. And 70% that doesnt. How is that fair? I have friends who email their MP and cant get a response, guess what, its a safe Tory seat.


Both of you want a fairer system, this is the first way down the road to it.


Dont waste this vote. WE NEED IT.


What else will it do, lay golden eggs? :rolleyes:

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If you want to see a brilliant example of why FPTP isn't fair? Look at ex-Yugoslavia. Milosovic didn't need the votes of the Croatians and Muslims to get elected, just the Serbians so what did he do? He said "Persecute them all and give all the jobs, power and money to the Serbs". You think it's an extreme example? Try getting a 'safe seat' MP to pull his finger out for anybody who isn't a paid up member of his own political party. After all the only vote he needs to worry about is the one made to elect him as CANDIDATE!

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They may get the odd councillor but they have never come close to taking a parliamentary seat, and FPTP keeps other opportunist and joke parties like the Lib Dems out.


and keeps in joke parties like labour and the tories forever.


In fact with constituency boundary changes if we keep FPTP I have read its likely we will be stuck with a tory government for the indefinite future. Great - and all because people can't look past their hatred of Clegg. Well I hope they don't complain when they find they can't vote out the tories under FPTP.

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