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Looking for information about Italians in Sheffield in the 1870s

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Hi All I,m Duncward

I am interseted in the Italians in Sheffield around 1870 -1875.

I have a family who acording to thire sons birth certifficate where Devoto and Camilla Ardito,there son Dominic was born at 42,Copper Street,sheffield.

All it states on the Censors of 1881-1891-1901 and 1911 was that Devoto and Camilla where born in italy I would like to find what place in Italy.

I have not been able to find a Marriage for Devoto and Camilla but I did find a marriage for Devoto Casa Grande and Carmalina Rizzetta at Sheffield in the December 1/4 of 1870.

So I ask could they be the same couple and did they change their names ?

This is one of those BRICK WALLS in my family history

regards Dunc

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Hi duncward - welcome to the forum!.:)


The 1911 census states that Devoto and Camilla had been married for 45 years, which takes us back to 1865-66, and so they may have been married before they came to England. This was evidently after the 1871 census and before Dominic's birth in 1875. Copper Street, near West Bar, was in the heart of Sheffield's "Little Italy". There is an excellent website about the West Bar Italians here. You may like to contact Julie Fawcett who runs the site - her email address is there. The Ardittos evidently moved to Doncaster between 1875 and 1881 but Julie might have some information.

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He was a schoolfriend at Hillfoot School,He,s been to our old house a few times my best pal Dave White lived across from their shop.They moved to Herries Rd. later I visited there I remember he had a massive model railway set up in one room.At the side of us Pete was always well dressed I remember,we were scruffy little scroats!--TUP.

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Hi All I,m Duncward I am interseted in the Italians in Sheffield around 1870 -1875. I have a family who .....
Have other Forummers ever wondered why some people join the Forum, start a thread ... and then never follow it up?. Hillsboro gave some useful information in post #2 but the OP evidently hasn't been back..:rolleyes:


I also have some Italian ancestry, but my people were street musicians in Leeds. I quite agree with Hillsboro that the West Bar Italians website is excellent. Turn the sound up to hear some Caruso, Pavarotti etc!

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