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Looking for information about Italians in Sheffield in the 1870s

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Have other Forummers ever wondered why some people join the Forum, start a thread ... and then never follow it up?. Hillsboro gave some useful information in post #2 but the OP evidently hasn't been back..:rolleyes:


I also have some Italian ancestry, but my people were street musicians in Leeds. I quite agree with Hillsboro that the West Bar Italians website is excellent. Turn the sound up to hear some Caruso, Pavarotti etc!


Give the lad a chance - it's not been a week yet and perhaps he's not expecting such a swift response. Maybe he sent his post from a library or something? Chill!

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Have other Forummers ever wondered why some people join the Forum, start a thread ... and then never follow it up?. Hillsboro gave some useful information in post #2 but the OP evidently hasn't been back..:rolleyes:


I also have some Italian ancestry, but my people were street musicians in Leeds. I quite agree with Hillsboro that the West Bar Italians website is excellent. Turn the sound up to hear some Caruso, Pavarotti etc!


Hi Banker....glad you enjoyed the website...if u need any help with your italian ancestors email me via the site...i may be able to help.


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  • 4 weeks later...
Give the lad a chance - it's not been a week yet and perhaps he's not expecting such a swift response. Maybe he sent his post from a library or something? Chill!
Well, it's now over a month and he still hasn't been back. I do sometimes wonder why I bother, but it's all good fun!.:)
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Well, it's now over a month and he still hasn't been back. I do sometimes wonder why I bother, but it's all good fun!.:)


Don't stress to much guys...... I have been in touch with him via email over the past few weeks.....so the advice you gave him was taken

Thanks again for steering people my way xxx

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  • 3 months later...
I too have Italian ancestry.

My G,G Maternal grandmother had the name of Steel but was born 1813 in Messina Scicly.

I have tried to get her birth certificate but it seems there are no records from that time.

How she got to be Elizabeth Steel I have no idea


Maybe I can help...... checkout my website & email me via the website



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