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Who Totally Admits To Speeding? We All Do It. Admit.

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I speed, not on purpose for the record.


I can be doing 45 in a 30 without realising, and it's even worse when you come off a motorway.


Thanks for being honest. I can't agree that I could be doing 45 in a 30 without realising, (I always know how fast I'm going) but I might be unaware that I should've slowed down.


Are there many motorways/ Dual carriageways with 70 mph limits which switch directly to 30 mph limits? (Serious question.)


If there are, then they need better signing.


The motorway which ends 5 or 6 miles North of where I live is a 'quick' road. 'Advisory' speed limit 130 KPH. - Go as fast as you like.


2 miles beforethe end it reduces to 120, followed shortly by 100. Then 80 (because the motorway joins a Bundesstraße (UK A road))


Occasionally, the traffic police run radar checks. I was overtaking the tourist crap (hoping to get a clear run onto the B2) not keeping my eyes open and got nicked. I wasn't doing anything dangerous, but I was breaking the law. When he pulled me over and saw my licence tag, he wasn't too happy (Diplomatic plate.) (He couldn't nick me, but I would be 'done' by the US federal govt - problems for him and a real pain in the arse for me, too!)


He didn't speak very good English and he was embarrassed. Not a problem. We both could speak German, so we spoke German. Then I asked him whether he would prefer to act against my diplomatic licence or would he prefer to deal with a German licence.


"You've got a GERMAN licence?" Genau, ich bin Oberauer Anwohner."


So we shifted from German to Bavarian.


Suddenly life gets simple. "I've got to nick you because you were exceeding the speed limit and it's on the record. I'll do you for 'under 20 KPH above the limit we can do the paperwork here (saved him half an hour's work) it will be one point on your licence and a small fine."


"Toll!" said I. The speed limit was 80KPH. I was doing (roughly) 190 when I was nicked. He did me for '98'. 1 point and a 60 quid fine.


100 KPH above the limit is 'go to jail' - but I wasn't actually doing anything dangerous, so it's 'discretionary' and I was therefore doing 98.


Policemen with commonsense. Not so common in the UK.


(The fact that I'm an 'Oachkatzlschwoaf' - (as opposed to being a Prussian pig) might've helped. ;) )

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