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Medical Marijuana 'cures' toddler's cancer

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"Doctors refuse to discuss it"


No surprise there.... IT DIDNT FILL THIER DEEP POCKETS!!


A very lucky little guy for sure!!


Not surprisingly, the Fail makes a hash of this story.

It was almost certainly the chemo that killed the cancer.

What the cannabis oil likely did do was make the lad feel less nauseous (cannabis is well known as a treatment for nausea) and stimulate his appetite ( 'the munchies' ).

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Not surprisingly, the Fail makes a hash of this story.

It was almost certainly the chemo that killed the cancer.

What the cannabis oil likely did do was make the lad feel less nauseous (cannabis is well known as a treatment for nausea) and stimulate his appetite ( 'the munchies' ).


Why would a paper known for being anti-drugs print a story that shows cannabis can work positively?

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The father could have killed his son by administering substances that medical staff were unaware of. I doubt whether he was aware of all of the side effects, strengths and actions of the powerful chemo and analgesic medication that trained medical staff were administering to his son.

The father, undoubtedly, did this for all the right reasons but could have caused the death of his son.

I'm sure that the father will take the credit for the recovery of his son but he is lucky not to be charged with deliberate poisoning.

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The father could have killed his son by administering substances that medical staff were unaware of. I doubt whether he was aware of all of the side effects, strengths and actions of the powerful chemo and analgesic medication that trained medical staff were administering to his son.

The father, undoubtedly, did this for all the right reasons but could have caused the death of his son.


Well you try being in that position where you have to make a decision that is ultimately life changing it's alright people saying I would do this I would do that! until you are put in that kind of real life situation you don't know what you would do.

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Why would a paper known for being anti-drugs print a story that shows cannabis can work positively?


Because the Dasily Mail has an overriding mission to divide all the substances in the world into cancer causing or cancer curing. N.B. substances may change category without prior notice :D

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THC has been shown in several studies to be an effective anti-cancer treatment, shrinking tumours - http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2360617/?tool=pmcentrez


It's good for other things too.


Research has also shown that past claims of brain damage from cannabis use fail to hold up to the scientific method.[40] Instead, recent studies with synthetic cannabinoids show that activation of CB1 receptors can facilitate neurogenesis,[41] as well as neuroprotection,[42] and can even help prevent natural neural degradation from neurodegenerative diseases such as MS, Parkinson's, and Alzheimer's.
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Cannabis isn't a poison.

All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous. Paracelsus.


The point being the father, not being a medically trained professional, had no idea what the required dose should be or what interactions the cannabis may have had with other medications his son was on.



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