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As oil runs out should we look to power ships and trains with coal?

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As oil runs out should we look to power ships and trains with coal?


Could we save the worlds oil and gas supplies by powering ships with coal and our railways with gas and coke extracted from coal?

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To understand the issue more fully you need to understand 'Peak Oil', the point when oil production reaches its maximum and after which it goes into irreversible decline. Although this is roughly halfway through all reserves, after this point oil becomes increasingly expensive and difficult to extract. Since demand for oil will outstrip supply the price will drastically increase after the peak and have huge effects on oil dependent industries: transport, agriculture, manufacturing, the military, medicine and many more.


Many people think the Peak is imminent (within 10 years) or has already happened. Coal reserves can be expected to peak later, in the next 20 - 50 years, but as the world's population keeps growing and consumption of fossil fuels increases (despite the known effects to the climate), it is difficult to predict. Of crucial importance is the fact that the development of alternative, renewable energy sources (wind, solar, nuclear fusion) are reliant on oil use.




Oil in about 50 years. Natural gas in about 70 yrs and coal in about 250 yrs.


At current consumption and the population growth, scientists have determined that the oil supplies will run out in 500 years.


Our coal will run out in about 40-50 years at the rate we are going at, according to scientists. If we use less coal and more renewable sources, it is sure it will last much longer, but the high demand for coal in industry is always rising as our world modernizes.


it takes 500-1000 years


pessimistically 30-40 years, optimistically ~100




Get real people. We have only been using oil for a little over a hundred years in any real capacity. If we have already reached peak production, and usage is increasing every day, than we are in trouble. Cant be too many years left!

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