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So who will you vote for?

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So who will you vote for?


When you go to vote remember who it is that are taking away services, cutting police numbers, driving down wages, making thousands unemployed, attacking the poor the elderly and the disabled.


Remember who it was that de regulated the banks allowing them to gamble with our money and then due to their greed and stupidity caused the economic crash.


Remembered who it is that are paying the price for this crash. Not the millionaire bankers who caused it but ordinary people like you and me, while the multi millionaire bankers not only get away Scott free but are still getting obscene salaries and bonuses. Why? Because the bankers are the buddies of the Tories and they are all in it together.


Don’t forget the Tory cuts haven’t even started yet…things are going to get worse much worse…for us. But not for Cameron’s multi millionaires who will still be living in their country mansions enjoying the millionaire lifestyle while taking thousands of pounds per year in salaries paid for by us.


So who will you vote for?

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KR You really are starting to sound like a broken record.


.....Another day.... another thread on the same subjects.


I will be voting conservative too. They are the only party who actually admit the big problem we have and do something about it. Despite the obvious backlash that comes with it. I would very much like to see them in action at a local level.

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