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Message to the Prime Minister

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What do you think number tens reply to this will be?

It's short due to the 1000 character limitation on electronic messages sent to the PM's office.




Dear Messrs Cameron and Clegg


It is in sheer desperation that I write this message to you.

Having been jobless for two and a half years, I find myself with an all time low morale and crippled by debt. I have applied for hundreds of jobs during this time and heard nothing from virtually all of them. I have also taken the time to retrain in book-keeping and payroll but to no avail due to prospective employers reluctance to take on someone with no actual job experience of this kind.

Am I at the age of 46 unemployable? A write off? Just a forgotten statistic? It appears that almost every prospective employer is telling me this by way of ignorance and inaction towards my countless job applications.

I ask you as both Prime Minister and human beings to do something quickly for the forgotten long term unemployed that really DO want to work, before desperation and sheer poverty sees them metaphorically go under.


Yours Sincerely


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It's a tough one owlface but your time out of work sadly pre-dates the incumbents.



Being more positive; What can you do? What are you good at? What do you enjoy? What voluntary work do you do to keep mind and soul active?

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It will probably be a generic throw away response, if any.


Very very likely. But hey, if the PM can grease a few wheels in the employment machine then who am I to complain?!?!

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I wish you the best of luck with this.


Unfortunately some politicians pronouncements (esp those on the front bench) on unemployment these days have been reduced to appealing to the lowest common denominator; eg attacking scroungers & the life of riley that those out of work are supposed to lead.


I can't see your plea changing that mindset - of course they will acknowledge that things are tough at the moment.


It's funny but when I first left school in the 1970s, those in power were ashamed that Britain had 1 million unemployed; unfortunately the era of politicians who had lived through the 1930s has gone, and many politicians have not got much experience of what it's like to be unemployed (particularly long term).


My impression of those on power nowadays, is that they are quick to dismiss those less fortunate than themselves and too ready to worship those with money - I dunno if that's fair

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What do you think number tens reply to this will be?

It's short due to the 1000 character limitation on electronic messages sent to the PM's office.




Dear Messrs Cameron and Clegg


It is in sheer desperation that I write this message to you.

Having been jobless for two and a half years, I find myself with an all time low morale and crippled by debt. I have applied for hundreds of jobs during this time and heard nothing from virtually all of them. I have also taken the time to retrain in book-keeping and payroll but to no avail due to prospective employers reluctance to take on someone with no actual job experience of this kind.

Am I at the age of 46 unemployable? A write off? Just a forgotten statistic? It appears that almost every prospective employer is telling me this by way of ignorance and inaction towards my countless job applications.

I ask you as both Prime Minister and human beings to do something quickly for the forgotten long term unemployed that really DO want to work, before desperation and sheer poverty sees them metaphorically go under.


Yours Sincerely



It's not the government's job to find you employment!


The government's role is to create a thriving economy in which private employers are encouraged to take on staff. It's a long slow process coming out of the recession, but at least we're going in the right direction.


It may sound harsh, but if you expect the government to find a job for you then it's little wonder you're unemployed.

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Try selecting area and go round handing out CV'S, usually gets more results than only applying for advertised jobs because a lot of jobs never get advertised. When OH was out of work for 3 months last year this is what we did and emailing spec letters and CV's to agencies and local employers is another idea. Good luck:thumbsup:

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It's not the government's job to find you employment!


The government's role is to create a thriving economy in which private employers are encouraged to take on staff. It's a long slow process coming out of the recession, but at least we're going in the right direction.


It may sound harsh, but if you expect the government to find a job for you then it's little wonder you're unemployed.


I think it's incredibly harsh to accuse the OP of expecting the government to find them a job. As the OP said they have applied for hundreds of jobs and gone to the trouble and expense to retrain.


I think the salient point to all this is that people who are unfortunate enough to find themselves unemployed post 40 are increasingly being written off and is valid to question the government as to what help this particular demographic can have to get them back into work.


There is as lot of talk about helping young people get into work, but this should not be to the detriment of those over 40 who have at least 25 years of their working life ahead of them.


As for 'going in the right direction' re coming out of the recession I think it is far far too early to tell. The ramifications of the cuts are hardly beginning to bite, and one only has to look to Ireland to see how severe austerity measures can ultimately make things worse.

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