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Message to the Prime Minister

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It's not the government's job to find you employment!


The government's role is to create a thriving economy in which private employers are encouraged to take on staff. It's a long slow process coming out of the recession, but at least we're going in the right direction.


It may sound harsh, but if you expect the government to find a job for you then it's little wonder you're unemployed.


You're not a politician are you?

You have a great knack for not checking out the facts properly that are under your nose and of coming across as a callous, insensitive arse.

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What do you think number tens reply to this will be?

It's short due to the 1000 character limitation on electronic messages sent to the PM's office.




Dear Messrs Cameron and Clegg


It is in sheer desperation that I write this message to you.

Having been jobless for two and a half years, I find myself with an all time low morale and crippled by debt. I have applied for hundreds of jobs during this time and heard nothing from virtually all of them. I have also taken the time to retrain in book-keeping and payroll but to no avail due to prospective employers reluctance to take on someone with no actual job experience of this kind.

Am I at the age of 46 unemployable? A write off? Just a forgotten statistic? It appears that almost every prospective employer is telling me this by way of ignorance and inaction towards my countless job applications.

I ask you as both Prime Minister and human beings to do something quickly for the forgotten long term unemployed that really DO want to work, before desperation and sheer poverty sees them metaphorically go under.


Yours Sincerely



Mr Cameron won't even see it. No 10 gets hundreds of letters every day and they are all answered by staff. You couldn't really expect, or even want a Prime Minister to sit in his office all day answering letters.


Despite having a degree and an MA I was recently unemployed for over 2 years. Didn't even get an interview in this time. All you can do is to keep trying. Do some volunteer work in the meantime. It will give you more experience and a job may even come from it. When I was unemployed I did volunteer work with the Citizens Advice and trained to be a bereavement counsellor.


Being unemployed gave me the opportunity to gains skills I hadn't previously got. :|

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Well they DO read emails and letters, I know that for a fact because I sent a joking, insulting one to him a few weeks ago and he phoned me and asked if he could read a heavily edited bit of it at the Spring conference.


As for him actually doing any more than reading it.... who knows...

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A few years ago I sent a long fax to the local MP for Hillsborough complaining about noisy fireworks in S6, I got a multi-page letter back detailing all about new laws that were being put in place regarding the sale and use of fireworks in public.


This was from Helen Jackson of the Labour Party, would I get such a response from the Tories? I somehow doubt it... :rolleyes:


And no, I'm not a Labour supporter, I voted Lib Dem this afternoon.

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A few years ago I sent a long fax to the local MP for Hillsborough complaining about noisy fireworks in S6, I got a multi-page letter back detailing all about new laws that were being put in place regarding the sale and use of fireworks in public.


This was from Helen Jackson of the Labour Party, would I get such a response from the Tories? I somehow doubt it... :rolleyes:


And no, I'm not a Labour supporter, I voted Lib Dem this afternoon.


How do you know? Perhaps they should try it.

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Owlface You require a job with a lot more

I have said for a long time now that the powers that be should drop the retirement age to say 63 this would give people that have worked in excess of 50 yrs a little more time to enjoy there retirement , having paid there dues to the state ,this should not be compulsory but voluntarily but would free up thousands of jobs for them what requires work these people would then be paying there dues to the state and not living on the state.(in a lot of cases not there fault).

Its is much cheaper to keep two people on state pension than to keep young family's i.e two adults and two or more children this to me is common sense but of course I am a only a silly Senior A.O.P .

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A few years ago I sent a long fax to the local MP for Hillsborough complaining about noisy fireworks in S6, I got a multi-page letter back detailing all about new laws that were being put in place regarding the sale and use of fireworks in public.


This was from Helen Jackson of the Labour Party, would I get such a response from the Tories? I somehow doubt it... :rolleyes:


have you tried?

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You're not a politician are you?

You have a great knack for not checking out the facts properly that are under your nose and of coming across as a callous, insensitive arse.


If your attitude to anyone trying to help you is to resort to abuse then it's even more obvious why you can't get a job. You simply do not come across as a likeable person, the sort other people would like to work with.


No matter what your qualifications and experience, the number one question an employer will ask is do I want to work with this person (or have this person work for me)? Based on your posts the answer in your case is obviously no.


With that in mind I would suggest you stop wasting the PM's time with vague pleas to "do something" and perhaps try and develop a more pleasant personality!

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