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How much does Alex Jones earn?

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His mega-rant is wonderful as entertainment. :)


I just listened to that too, what a vile obnoxious man, he wouldn't let anyone else speak.


The icing on the cake though, was when he criticised one of the callers for using cliches and then approximately 5 seconds later shouted, at the top of his voice 'YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!'.


The man clearly has some screws loose, and a lot of misplaced anger.

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Alex Jones is one of those "court jesters" who provide enough feigned dissent to appease the dissident energy of an awakening generation whilst at the same time imprisoning them in their own paranoia. How does he do it? By constantly telling people they are hopeless slaves and they are living in an ever enclosing police state.


Mark my words - power loves Alex Jones for what he is doing to the minds of America's "truth seeker". He is absolutely correct, there is a war on for your mind, and he is part of that war in such a deceptively cunning way it's almost tragicomic.


Just my opinion.

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People do like to be told what to think.


Life is so complicated, it's nice to be told what's really happening and to mentally put it in a nice little box with a ribbon on top.


Conspiracy is like a modern day religion. Some self-proclaimed prophet like Alex Jones has access to the 'truth', and he wants you to be a disciple and spread the 'truth'. Oh yes, he needs your money as well.

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Conspiracy is like a modern day religion. Some self-proclaimed prophet like Alex Jones has access to the 'truth', and he wants you to be a disciple and spread the 'truth'. Oh yes, he needs your money as well.


Absolutely, it is exactly the same thought processes as religion imo.

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Some people believe Alex Jones is a double agent giving out the truth to one day lead to an up-rising in america, which the government want.

When you have people rioting in the streets and causing civil war there is a reason to have martial law in the U.S. which is the basic reason for Alex Jones job.


But people like David Icke doesn't tell people top get angry and protect violently he suggests people just start tax revolts and with draw all their money form the bank to take away the power of the governments.

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