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Anyone else had this problem with Santander?

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Hi.. this is my first post here on sheffield forum.. i have a slight issue and would like to know if anyone else has had this problem...


Back in febuary they put a £160 overdraft on my account and we came to an agreement to pay £30 month on my overdraft.. which i didnt have a problem with whatsoever..


yesturday i checked my bank and found to my surprise they had taken not just the £30 but the whole £130 leaving me £98-

So i went down to my bank and explained to them what had happend, the bank manager told me to call collections.. which i did and they said they'd put another overdraft on my account and still pay £30 a month off.. which i was happy about...


I checked my bank about half an hour ago and to my surprise im now £100- with no overdraft.. i am unemployed and now most of my most that goes into my bank tonight will go straight to the bank to pay off the £100 i DONT owe the bank..


Has anyone else had any problems with this so called "Brilliant" Bank?

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No, but I've had a shocking time with them when I (stupidly) switched to them from HSBC. They mucked up all my direct debits despite promising not to with their "easy switching " process and dedicated team (that's a laugh) and I'm still sorting it out now, 9 months later they're still refusing to acknowledge a direct debit, and I keep getting charged for missed payments. Wish I had never gone anywhere near them :-(

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I can't stand them and it's only my apathy that prevents me from closing the account. I never had any problems when it was Abbey National but now it just seems to be one mistake after another. Also, every time I go into the Fargate branch, I get hassled to change my account or mortgage by what appears to be a 12 year old boy.

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I mainly use the eckington branch which is more or less solo run by a wee 20 odd year old lassy, very very friendly and fast with the paperwork. I haven't had a problem with them yet but heard all sorts about other larger branches. The Dronfield branch is very on the ball too.


When I go into larger town and city branches they offer me this that and the other, I usually just say I'm not interested.


I also mainly bank online, they are miles better than NatWest for this, NW is a nightmare and the login process frequently told me my handy 30 digit code was not in order and punched me in the face, needing another code sent through the post, another week wasted.

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I have a loan with them and when i asked them to change the date the payment comes out they wanted to charge £25. Strange because a previous loan i had with them was changed for nothing.

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