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Dating Website Profiles

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Looked at your profile, to be honest with you it sucks, you need some help bud.


I've split tested all sorts of styles of profile and opening messages on POF. I know what works and what doesnt.

I'm not a male model by any stretch of the imagination and I get loads of responses, I'm usually communicating with 4/5 girls at a time on there, i always have options and know failsafe ways to transition and get numbers if I want to go on dates.


Do these things and you will be heading in the right direction:


Write less, you don't need to detail every facet of your life, personality or wants and desires. It looks needy. And anyway a man of few words is 'mysterious'! essentially you want to give her the chance to get to know you, if you publish your life story she knows everything and thats no fun.


Make every word count though, if you are funny for instance, convey humour in your profile. Dont say 'I have a good sense of humour'.


Think (and look) at what 99% of the guys are doing on these sites and do the complete opposite. Open a profile as a woman and see what lame messages you get. Then you realise what women have to deal with and why they use FILTERS to save time. Dont be one of those guys that gets 'filtered' out.


Good first messages trump a lengthy profile everytime, but you dont have to spend ages composing individual messages to each girl. I use the same 2 openers and they get responses60-70% of the time.


Get on IM as soon as possible, say you only have a small amount of time to talk. This is called a 'false time constraint'. Talk to her like you have known her for ages, its OK to get sexual but try to avoid being sleazy or cheesy. Avoid talking about past boyfriends / girlfriends etc. The idea is to get her digits quickly, and start texting, then you are no longer 'just' another guy off POF


Im not going into too much more detail here but PM me if you want some specific openers / tips and I will be happy to help you.




Hark at the 'expert' here.


Still single are you?

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speak to Jabbers, he knows how not to treat a woman. Just be yourself no matter what all these experts tell you about touching a womans elbow as you say a certain phrase and don't do this formula rubbish, it's just creepy, weird and not you. They'll like you for you or sod off.

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I am passionate about being intimate and close and wanting to share everything including all my thoughts and secrets, so would expect and need the same from a partner too, but am not too full on and would give the partner time and space to do their own things.

That sounds needy, clingy, contradictory and rather creepy.


And you really need to change the name. 'JuicyJay'? Just no. Try your name and add some numbers. Keep it simple.

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Sorry but are you not able to meet women without the need to resort to the last chance saloon that is plenty of fish,seems a bit sad to me.;)


Plenty of fish? There might me but that's no <REMOVED> use if you can't find water.

I'm a single dad with two children so forget going out to the bars/pubs/clubs.

I'm diabetic so even if I COULD organise a night out I can't drink and have lost most of my non-internet friends because I can't get out to meet them.

That is of course when I'm not working as an English tutor, hmm! hitting on students? don't think so! So where do you suggest I go looking, if dating sites seem a bit sad to you?

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