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If you were raised on egg & chips..

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played in the dirt, got smacked when u misbehaved, had 4 TVchannels & no remote, school day always started with assembly, shops were closed Sunday, watched films without thinking they were real,recorded the top 40 from the radio by blocking the holes on casette tapes, drank water from a hose,didn't know what a Happy Meal was, and still turned out OK. repost


FFS Corker did you spend your life stalking me? :o


Those were the good old days. Going out to play at 8am and not seeing an adult until 8pm when we came home to a fry up having scrunched every natural fruit available during the day (Blackberries, raspberries, apples, plumbs, pears and the things that grow on the trees in the City Rd Cemetery. No idea what they are but we loved em).


I want to be 10 years old again :|

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played in the dirt, got smacked when u misbehaved, had 4 TVchannels & no remote, school day always started with assembly, shops were closed Sunday, watched films without thinking they were real,recorded the top 40 from the radio by blocking the holes on casette tapes, drank water from a hose,didn't know what a Happy Meal was, and still turned out OK. repost


I played in the dirt, only got smacked when I played with fire, had *3* tv channels and no remote, school always started with assembly, except in the sixth form when I stayed in bed until 9 and ran to make my first lesson by 9:05 (boarding school ftw!), shops were closed sunday, i did think deaths were real in films (that really messed me up for years, i imagined some complicated system of reward for next of kin or perhaps that they were terminally ill!), recorded the top 40 for years, still have a cassette from when Africa by Toto was in the charts :-), definitely drank water from a hose, still don't know what a happy meal is (unless it's free range chicken), and I'm a complete basket case :-P

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Ah! I remember those days well. It was either very sunny or the snow was five foot deep.

Long days spent walking through the fields, with my mates, catching bullhead fish or sticklebacks in a stream. I remember once we had a total eclipse when i was about five years old. I did not know what was happening, all I knew was that we had two minutes of night time during the day. I remember where i was when JFK got shot. We invented the skateboard, we used to put a board on a skate and sit on it and career down the hill. I once laid on the board and used my new (day old) shoes as brakes, ruining the toes. My mother went mental, so did my dad when he found out. Good days, freedom was taken for granted and fresh air was the norm, after the clean air act that is.


Then as I got older songs like Sugar Sugar, Where's your momma gone, Long and Winding Road, Tap Turns on the Water. I always Enjoyed going to school and used to walk three miles to school and back every day. So, I am reminiscing and no one cares, probably. But, I have enjoyed it. Thanks for bringing it up.

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played in the dirt, got smacked when u misbehaved, had 4 TVchannels & no remote, school day always started with assembly, shops were closed Sunday, watched films without thinking they were real,recorded the top 40 from the radio by blocking the holes on casette tapes, drank water from a hose,didn't know what a Happy Meal was, and still turned out OK. repost


4 TV channels!!!!!!!!




(2 channels for me)




"One TV channel",




"TV? We were lucky to have a crystal set between ten of us".


Edit: Otherwise, I pretty much agree. Probably more 'bread and dripping' than 'egg and chips'. Big meals for us were rolled stuffed breast of lamb or belly pork, or brisket. I also remember tripe and onions with bread and butter, and toad in the hole.

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played in the dirt, got smacked when u misbehaved, had 4 TVchannels & no remote, school day always started with assembly, shops were closed Sunday, watched films without thinking they were real,recorded the top 40 from the radio by blocking the holes on casette tapes, drank water from a hose,didn't know what a Happy Meal was, and still turned out OK. repost


Yep! All of the above!

Recording the charts was one of my fav pass times, sitting there next to my squarer than square portable cassette/radio player, fingers ready on the record and play buttons just waiting for the DJ to stop rambling on!!!!


Another favourite (much to my Mum's displeasure) was gathering all the rose petals from the garden and poking them into an empty Panda pop bottle to brew my own perfume! After a couple of days you'd got yourself a somewhat swamp like looking 'fragrance'! Just imagine how good I smelt in the 80s!!!:hihi:

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I did all that and turned out OK. (I think)


The drinking from the hose though, I didn't do that. But I drank from the drinking water fountain in Firth Park park and I'm still here.


Me too, half the time it didn't work as some idiot would block it stones, it used to be near that roundabout that span at speed to make your ears bleed. No parent these days would let their kid near it. I remember the castle thing made of rail sleepers at the top of the slide.


Basically do we think kids these days are too moddy coddled (sp)?

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Play footie all day in concord then drank from the stream in the woods when thirsty,relish on bread and if lucky dripping,ma too skint for chips and egg so would have to be just chips.Grip the slot at back of the telly just to watch tv.

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