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Should schools bring back the cane?

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After recent news stories over kids getting out of hand in class ect would you send your kids to a school that used a cane?Did you live in the days when it was around?Do you think it will help restore the respect which so many kids/teens don't seem to have today?

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I got caned for humming two bars of "Let It Be", an old Beatles song. It hurt like hell and no one stuck up for me

So, no. I do not want sadistic thugs anywhere near my children.


I will kill you where you stand if you believe otherwise.

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There was no end of kids getting the cane at the school I attended. Week after week, you could almost guarantee which kids got the cane. Not once did it deter them from misbehaving or bullying; neither did it prevent them from disrespecting the teachers or damaging school property.


IMO, caning doesn't work.

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I think they should bring it back BUT its probably too late as the kid will end up bringing a knife to school to get even.


If they were to bring it back, they would have to introduce it to the new starters to school. It would be no good introducing it to the year 11s after they have already gone through school without it.

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