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Should schools bring back the cane?

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There was no end of kids getting the cane at the school I attended. Week after week, you could almost guarantee which kids got the cane. Not once did it deter them from misbehaving or bullying; neither did it prevent them from disrespecting the teachers or damaging school property.


IMO, caning doesn't work.


Yawwwnnnn ... Reminds me of the vote in the commons about this. MP crapname, who was firmly against punishment, stood up and told a humerous story about a boy at school who got caned every day and it didn't alter his attitude. All the MPs had a good laugh and banned the cane on a whim. In essence their vote was influenced by an argument reduced through absurdity and swept through on the back of hype.

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back in the old country, for my generation, most of our teacher-especially for wood work, agriculture, home ed etc-were ex-combatants suffering all sorts of PTSD. had one who invited you into a boxing ring no matter what age. and another who used to go into the bush on weekends to find 'thirty good rods'. he was always out of sticks by the time Saturday came. for the most part the only choice you had was 'lower back or upper butt'.


still, never did me any harm.


*tries to stop twitching uncontrollably*

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Yawwwnnnn ... Reminds me of the vote in the commons about this. MP crapname, who was firmly against punishment, stood up and told a humerous story about a boy at school who got caned every day and it didn't alter his attitude. All the MPs had a good laugh and banned the cane on a whim. In essence their vote was influenced by an argument reduced through absurdity and swept through on the back of hype.


Yawwnnn all you like. It doesn't alter the fact that caning doesn't discourage children, who are inclined to misbehave, from misbehaving. If caning did discourage misbehaviour, the cane would have never been used.

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I got caned for humming two bars of "Let It Be", an old Beatles song. It hurt like hell and no one stuck up for me

So, no. I do not want sadistic thugs anywhere near my children.


I will kill you where you stand if you believe otherwise.


Well Let it Be is a Paul MC song and the cane is justified-try Revolution next time!

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It's been thirty-five years since corporal punishment was abolished.


In the last thirty-five years the average standard of pupil discipline in schools has continually got worse.



Someday, it's going to occur to somebody that there might just be a connection.


It was ended in the 1980s so you will have six to improve your maths sir!

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All teachers are too soft but mainly because they are not allowed to do anything even if they wanted to.


Not as soft as your brain-you are speculating as you cannot know the views of all teachers.Are you a parent?

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Britain was perhaps the only country in Europe that used the cane on students. That kind of punishment was never used in French schools which i know for a fact.


In my opinion barbaric and harking back to the days of Victorian orphanages. Quite amazing that it survived up until the end of the 1950s


I hope the old bas*ards who laid their canes on my tender young backside are being pursued by demons through the halls of hell


It was used in the 1980s-you will be introuble for not doing your History research!

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We were beaten at home with inch by inch when we were naughty, which was fairly often! Physical punishment never stopped us once, we were just A LOT MORE CAREFUL when we did things. I do not use physical violence upon my children and would probably resort to that if somebody else tried to! The cane is the past and best left there teachers have better ways of controlling children if parents didn't undermine them at every opportunity.

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