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Osama Bin Laden - murdered?

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The soldiers are heroes because they risked their lives on a mission.


By getting in defective helicopters?


All soldiers "risk their lives on any mission" as it is their jobs, only a few are heroes.


We're taking about Bin Laden.


Not so:


You was asked (by the thread starter):


"So killing an unarmed man is OK if he's a killer?"


Your answer was "Yes it is"


upinwath then posted the link.



When you jump into bed with the world most wanted man, what do you expect! flowers and chocolates?


So Bush and Blair's wives are legitimate targets for people who don't like their husbands?


Am I not right in saying that there was an official $25 million bounty on bin Laden's head, making his killing perfectly legal and, in fact, condoned!?


Don't know. Are mafia kills legal because they have bounties paid to "hit men"?


Because he was eating a Pukka Pie.




Truth is not important. Honesty is important.


Truth and honesty mean the same:



· n.

1 the quality of being honest.

2 a plant with purple or white flowers and round, flat, translucent seed pods. [Genus Lunaria.]

– ORIGIN ME: from OFr. honeste, from L. honestas, from honestus (see honest); the plant is so named from its seed pods, translucency symbolizing lack of deceit.



· adj.

1 free of deceit; truthful and sincere.

2 fairly earned: an honest living.

3 (of an action) well intentioned even if misguided.

4 simple and unpretentious: good honest food with no gimmicks.

· adv. informal genuinely; really.

– PHRASES earn (or turn) an honest penny earn money fairly. make an honest woman of dated or humorous marry a woman, especially to avoid scandal if she is pregnant.

– ORIGIN ME: via OFr. from L. honestus, from honos (see honour).



· adj.

1 telling or expressing the truth; honest.

2 (of a representation) true to life.

– DERIVATIVES truthfully adv. truthfulness n.



· n. (pl. truths /tru;Dz, tru;Ts/) the quality or state of being true. Ø (also the truth) that which is true as opposed to false. Ø a fact or belief that is accepted as true.

– PHRASES in truth really; in fact. to tell the truth (or truth to tell or if truth be told) to be frank.

– ORIGIN OE trWewth, trUowth ‘faithfulness, constancy’ (see true, -th2).


The only way that a wife would stick around with a husband after he had joined a death cult, never mind starting one, is if she was in support of the mission of the death cult, and accepted the risks of sticking around.


Why? According to some on here muslim women have no rights and would probably be stoned to death if they tried to leave.


At least, for some people here, that's from a trustworthy source.


Yep. That's trustworthy, the BBC reports that "a US monitoring group has reported" Bin's dead.

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Why be so surprised? It is long alleged that summary execution of suspected al-Qaida operatives has increased under Obama. This is happening frequently to lower profile targets whose guilt is far less certain. Are they going to show lesser treatment to one whose involvement they were sure of. As Chris Hedges has said, America is in danger of becoming the monster it seeks to destroy! I'm afraid 'Yes We Can' has started to sound a bit more like 'You can't stop us'

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Truth and honesty mean the same:



· n.

1 the quality of being honest.

2 a plant with purple or white flowers and round, flat, translucent seed pods. [Genus Lunaria.]

– ORIGIN ME: from OFr. honeste, from L. honestas, from honestus (see honest); the plant is so named from its seed pods, translucency symbolizing lack of deceit.



· adj.

1 free of deceit; truthful and sincere.

2 fairly earned: an honest living.

3 (of an action) well intentioned even if misguided.

4 simple and unpretentious: good honest food with no gimmicks.


Not really.


I've bolded the bit that I meant by honesty. That, and integrity, is the character of good Government. Truthfulness is not important, unless it compromises the former imho.


There is no evidence that Obama has compromised that. I'm not saying that he hasn't, but it is sad to see so many people with the a priori conclusion that he has.

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By getting in defective helicopters?


All soldiers "risk their lives on any mission" as it is their jobs, only a few are heroes.




Not so:


You was asked (by the thread starter):


"So killing an unarmed man is OK if he's a killer?"


Your answer was "Yes it is"


upinwath then posted the link.





So Bush and Blair's wives are legitimate targets for people who don't like their husbands?




Don't know. Are mafia kills legal because they have bounties paid to "hit men"?








Truth and honesty mean the same:



· n.

1 the quality of being honest.

2 a plant with purple or white flowers and round, flat, translucent seed pods. [Genus Lunaria.]

– ORIGIN ME: from OFr. honeste, from L. honestas, from honestus (see honest); the plant is so named from its seed pods, translucency symbolizing lack of deceit.



· adj.

1 free of deceit; truthful and sincere.

2 fairly earned: an honest living.

3 (of an action) well intentioned even if misguided.

4 simple and unpretentious: good honest food with no gimmicks.

· adv. informal genuinely; really.

– PHRASES earn (or turn) an honest penny earn money fairly. make an honest woman of dated or humorous marry a woman, especially to avoid scandal if she is pregnant.

– ORIGIN ME: via OFr. from L. honestus, from honos (see honour).



· adj.

1 telling or expressing the truth; honest.

2 (of a representation) true to life.

– DERIVATIVES truthfully adv. truthfulness n.



· n. (pl. truths /tru;Dz, tru;Ts/) the quality or state of being true. Ø (also the truth) that which is true as opposed to false. Ø a fact or belief that is accepted as true.

– PHRASES in truth really; in fact. to tell the truth (or truth to tell or if truth be told) to be frank.

– ORIGIN OE trWewth, trUowth ‘faithfulness, constancy’ (see true, -th2).




Why? According to some on here muslim women have no rights and would probably be stoned to death if they tried to leave.




Yep. That's trustworthy, the BBC reports that "a US monitoring group has reported" Bin's dead.




yes he was a threat, or they would have taken time to kill him slow. think about it, if you were told kill him and you were able to use your bare hands or a knife to savour the moment you would. shooting him in the head was so quick it must have been to eliminate the threat he posed.

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I've bolded the bit that I meant by honesty.


So TB was "honest" when he invented the WMD excuse for regime change in Iraq?


BTW. I work on the first definition of honest, not an additional meaning.

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Now the brave Yanks have killed OBL in a vicious and dangerous firefight......


Hang on....Now the brave Yanks have killed OBL who was shooting at them......hang on.




Now the brave Yanks have killed the unarmed OBL in front of his 12 year old daughter after bravely shooting his unarmed wife.......


Hang on a last time.


I thought shooting unarmed people was a crime.

Is it still so if you're American and the murder victim is a total git?




So is masterminding attacks that kill 3,000 people. Are you sorry he's dead or are you on dope?

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Now the brave Yanks have killed OBL in a vicious and dangerous firefight......


Hang on....Now the brave Yanks have killed OBL who was shooting at them......hang on.




Now the brave Yanks have killed the unarmed OBL in front of his 12 year old daughter after bravely shooting his unarmed wife.......


Hang on a last time.


I thought shooting unarmed people was a crime.

Is it still so if you're American and the murder victim is a total git?

who cares:o
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