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Osama Bin Laden - murdered?

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I'm amazed that anyone in their right mind would even ask this question. This man is responsible for the cold blooded killings of thousands and if he gets his way there will be many more.


true, but we have keep our own morals if we are to stay intact. becoming like him just means him and his are winning.

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He chose the path he did and met his end. The only thing i find that doesn't sit well is he was shot unarmed lawfully according to the attorney general which would set a new standard for anyone who has any issues in the world that if its good enough for the americans to do its good enough for me.

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would you all be saying that if one of your family members was 1 of his victims i dont think so he got of lightly i would have killed him armed or not and why do people keep sayin they shouldnt have shot a unarmed man every1 he killed was unarmed i would have set the **** on fire with his family

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I remember watching it on CNN - they had a split screen with some internal conflict in Afghanistan. The message accross the bottom kept repeating about the towers and that there was some 'unknown' military action in the middle east. You would think the two were related, as they were on the screen at the same time, wouldn't you? but the announcers were saying they were as yet, UNSURE if the two were connected.


hmmmm, I could feel my brain being washed, so I switched it off and went to work.


Tbh I dont know what CNN message you are reffering too , there was no great internal conflict in afganistan ! Yes the suppressed thier women , kept opium production down and so on !


I am talking about the media propagand machine which went to work imediately after the planes hit





Despite there never being any evidence to link binny to 9/11

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I happened up the memorial bench of a man who died in the twin towers. I sat there for half an hour takin in the view. I didn't know it was a memorial until I stood up to go. I read It and it made me cry. He was my age and killed in the first tower to be hit. This was the morning we found out Bin Laden was dead. I didn't feel glad just an over powering sadness for those who lost thier lives. OBL death was justice but not closure for the families left behind. I have a 16 old son and just want an end to crap this world pukes up.

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