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Osama Bin Laden - murdered?

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ive read this morning that its been confirmed by al quaida :hihi:


Al who ?


All those real(ish) OBL vids toss up another question.

Considering the number out there, why was it important to delete the audio from the ones the brave Yank soldiers got from his house?



I was just reading about that video,so now we are supposed to believe Osama spent his time in hiding watching videos of himself while videoing himself.

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sound more and more pathetic


Whereas you're simply pathetic.


You are a liar.


You are an idiot who thinks he can tell people what they mean when what they mean is before your eyes.


You find it impossible to believe I don't hate americans (even though I collaborate with quite a few and my server is in the US) and am a supporter of bin laden.


You really are quite a simple person, aren't you. Now, back in your play pen.

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If you feel it necessary to refer to other forum users as 'pillocks' and 'idiots', then you've lost before you've even begun.


Harleywoman is an idiot though as he refuses to believe the truth and insists on trying to link me with bin laden.


So long Bin Boy


Bye turd burglar.


Just another apologist for terrorism.


Better than being a pi&& poor impersonation of a human being that you are.


or are you stupid as per your suggestion?


I must be, I'm trying to get one dumb yank to understand that people have differing PoVs and that I am not a supporter of any terrorist group (unlike his countrymen who supported the IRA - and probably still do).


So Harley man saying you support binny cuz you don't agree with government version of events ?


Being called " enemy within " if you don't support the wars is also another line .


Harleyman also gets to choose if your British enough to have a English avatar if you don't like his version of the truth ,


Heha cowboy ?


He can't help being simple.


I was living in England, paying taxes and served in the armed forces long before your "pipple" came in on the immigrant boat


So I'm an immigrant now am I (you're showing your cretinous side again)?


For the record (oh dorkish one), I am English, was born here and have lived here all my life (as did my parents, their parents before, their parents before that...)


Ah - we have a statement showing his true colours.


Racism at it's finest and that's pretty crap. At least he's finally come out and told us his true, vile position.


He's also wrong, on many counts, but his over-active imagination won't let the truth in.


That should be 'your' not 'you're". I told you I would check YOUR grammar.:)




You're quite the opposite of Mrs Harley, aren't you:thumbsup:.


Fixed it for you. :):cool:


There's no need.


I am able to acknowledge that I made a mistake (something Harleywoman is incapable of doing).

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