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How to invest money in gold

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Why do you think gold is safer? Assuming the banks and the currency all collapse, what use is a pile of shiny metal going to be?


Gold is recognized universally as precious


When the paper currency collapses any new currency will be backed up by gold


Just like it used too be !

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Gold is recognized universally as precious


Yes, but only because we perceive it to be previous.


When you invest, you are doing so because you want to either make an income or you want the value of your capital to increase. Gold cannot produce an income and the value of the capital will only increase so far, until people realise it's over priced. If you can buy cheap and sell expensive then you can make money, but that applies to anything, not just gold.

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Refer to my previous statement in its entirety. :roll:


I got a real problem accepting some one van claim gold will have no value when the world economy finaly collapses !


Bob . The only thing which will have value will be gold and silver ( and may be a ak47 ) lol


Yes we are indeed headed towards complete economic collapse


And unless some one invents nuclear fusion so we all have cheap power it will not get averted by

Borrowing more money

Or my printing more cash


Plain and Simple

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Yes, but only because we perceive it to be previous.


When you invest, you are doing so because you want to either make an income or you want the value of your capital to increase. Gold cannot produce an income and the value of the capital will only increase so far, until people realise it's over priced. If you can buy cheap and sell expensive then you can make money, but that applies to anything, not just gold.


You can't put a value on gold using $$


As when the $ collapses ( which of coarse it will ). Gold will dramiticaly increase in value


As every one will be trying to aquire some !


Is that simple enough to understand ?

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I got a real problem accepting some one van claim gold will have no value when the world economy finaly collapses !


Bob . The only thing which will have value will be gold and silver ( and may be a ak47 ) lol


Yes we are indeed headed towards complete economic collapse


Not true. If we do indeed see a complete economic collapse, the things which will have value will be food, water, medicine, tools and knowledge (of how to survive, build etc). All the gold in the world won't help because someone with gold will simply want to swap it for these items. But nobody is going to swap food for gold during a famine unless they are very silly indeed.

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Not true. If we do indeed see a complete economic collapse, the things which will have value will be food, water, medicine, tools and knowledge (of how to survive, build etc). All the gold in the world won't help because someone with gold will simply want to swap it for these items. But nobody is going to swap food for gold during a famine unless they are very silly indeed.


Obviously gold is not for you as an investment, but I'd advise anyone else to keep 10-20% of their wealth as physical gold.


It's something the Indians and Chinese have always believed in and with both those economies booming I don't see gold becoming a bad investment any time soon.

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