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Is the BNP too multinational to be a proper nationalist party?

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They also have a problem with history, this is on the front page of their website:


"The British National Party’s struggle to preserve indigenous culture is exemplified by the polarity of St George’s Day celebrations in England today: traditional family festivals contrasted with multicultural appropriations complete with black “Islamic” St Georges"


They obviously are unaware that St George is venerated in Islamic culture, or that he wasn't white or born in Britain..dipsticks!


Ps: unsurprisingly there's no comment on their poor showing in the elections.


Erm hum *cough cough* Boy Friday. Much as I hate to interupt you and Kaimani's love in. But doesn't the fact that the BNP's vote collapsed after a government got in that made some promises about putting in some mediocre immigration controls tell you something? I know you both want to think that anybody who is in favour of anything other than unfettered immigration is a complete nazi who wants to gas anybody who may have one none English grandparent.


But the fact that the BNPs vote has collapsed when there is a government in that has put in reasonable immigration controls show the lie to that.... doesn't it?

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Erm hum *cough cough* Boy Friday. Much as I hate to interupt you and Kaimani's love in. But doesn't the fact that the BNP's vote collapsed after a government got in that made some promises about putting in some mediocre immigration controls tell you something? I know you both want to think that anybody who is in favour of anything other than unfettered immigration is a complete nazi who wants to gas anybody who may have one none English grandparent.


But the fact that the BNPs vote has collapsed when there is a government in that has put in reasonable immigration controls show the lie to that.... doesn't it?




But doesn't the fact that the BNP's vote collapsed after a government got in that made some promises about putting in some mediocre immigration controls tell you something?


yes, it does. it tells me the immigration issue needs to be sorted and has been mis-handled. and what the coalition proposes is better and much more reasonable that the crack-pot ideas of the BNP.


I know you both want to think that anybody who is in favour of anything other than unfettered immigration is a complete nazi who wants to gas anybody who may have one none English grandparent.


i supposed you say this because i, and B, must have given you that impression. you're either mistaken or i gave you that impression in error. it serves neither me, my family here, those who will come, this nation i've come to think of as home, etc to have, as you put it, 'unfettered immigration'. that just can't be sustained. and anyone who thinks otherwise is just as nuts as someone who thinks we should 'shut the doors and send them all back'.


might help for me to clear my stance on the BNP; their policy on immigration is actually one of their more, for lack of a better word, palatable ones. their policy on forced repatriation of anyone 'not white' regardless of whether all they know is this country; their views and policies on gays, religious freedom, the conduct of their members, their views on Jews... that is why i think they're bottom-feeding, good-for-nothing scum that is somewhere between dried boogers and that mucous stuff you get if you keep picked mushroom in a damp place for two long.

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I know you both want to think that anybody who is in favour of anything other than unfettered immigration is a complete nazi who wants to gas anybody who may have one none English grandparent.
Well you're not very familiar with my posts if you believe I advocate "unfettered immigration", I've consistently said immigration should be strictly controlled, have done so many times, Ive also championed Nick Griffin's right to speak, it doesn't mean I like him or have to have any affection for the BNP's policies.


Incidentally, you may be unaware that the BNP has in its constitution a commitment for a pre 1948 ethnic landscape (basically all white) and they intend to do it by "consent, negotiation and legal changes"-what do you think those legal changes would be, because I can't see many non whites consenting or negotiating to leave a country they may well have been born in, so your comment about gassing anybody who has a non-English grandparent may not be far from the truth.


Have a look at the current homepage on their website to see a demonstration of their obsession with race and skin colour-the Tale of Two St George's story. They wax lyricial about St George, but with their immigration policy they'd have wanted to deport him!


But the fact that the BNPs vote has collapsed when there is a government in that has put in reasonable immigration controls show the lie to that.... doesn't it?


Let's not get too carried away, BNP voters were hardly troubling the ballot boxes in the first place.


Personally I believe the current immigration policy is more effective than the old one, in restricting numbers, however the previous government had already implemented a points based system similar to the one used in Australia which many on the right wing had celebrated.

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Despite my natural aversion for the BNP Im still surprised they do quite as badly as they do.


Superficially they rattle a lot of cages-best for Britain, kick the immigrants out, bring back corporal punishment/death penalty-all that mallarkey.


Obviously the great British public doesnt grind it's teeth as much as Nick Griffin believes it does.


They also have a problem with history, this is on the front page of their website:


"The British National Party’s struggle to preserve indigenous culture is exemplified by the polarity of St George’s Day celebrations in England today: traditional family festivals contrasted with multicultural appropriations complete with black “Islamic” St Georges"

They obviously are unaware that St George is venerated in Islamic culture, or that he wasn't white or born in Britain..dipsticks!


Ps: unsurprisingly there's no comment on their poor showing in the elections.


The British public aren't quite as stupid as some people

would have you think.


Logically, the patron saint of England should be St Alban - who apparently brought Christianity to Britain. There wasn't any TV back then - and it was, after all, a good story.


'St George the dragonslayer'. A sort of mediaeval 'Crocodile Dundee.' A Turk who probably killed a crocodile.


still is scary that it seems to attract so many people(no matter how minuscule the number is as a percentage of the population).


Not really scary. I lived in Belgium for a few years. In Belgium, people are obliged (by law) to vote. - You can be fined if you fail to vote (and I was chased because I failed to vote in a Euro election - I escaped a fine by arguing that I had voted in the UK. - They do check!)


Belgium is a mess (thanks, Gladstone.)


Walloons (French - sort of) in the South, Flemish in the North and a handful of Germans (who really don't seem to give a damn) down in the South-East.


The Wallys and the Phlegms hate each other. In the Days of King Coal, Wallonia was wealthy and sent money north to the impoverished carrot-farmers in Flanders. Then Steel and Coal failed and the cash flow went the other way (but the Phlegms would prefer to forget about that.)


Nowadays, there are carats in the North ('we do diamonds') and immigrants in the South.


A political party arose: Vlaams Blok (the Flemish block.) If you think that the BNP, EDL or even the National Front are Nazis, look at the Blok.


They gathered a lot of votes. - Not because the Belgians are fascist - it's rather more complicated than that - but because Wallonia is seen as a financial drain on the North and is seen as 'not giving a damn' about excessive immigration.


The Blok finally stepped way outside the law and the courts took away their funding. So Vlaams Blok folded and was replaced (the same day) by Vlaams Belang. - Same party, different name.


In Mechelen (Flanders) in 2003(4?) Vlaams Belang won huge numbers of seats. They were actually (AFAIR) the party with the biggest single vote. They were not acceptable and other parties formed a coalition to keep them out of power.


It was a protest vote. Nobody really wanted the Belang in power, but the people (who are required - by law - to vote) were totally fed up with recent governments.


I suspect that most of those who voted in the past for the ultra-right wing parties in the UK would be horrified if the party they voted for got anywhere, but were voting as a protest against the last government's irresponsible immigration policies.


"Labour threw open Britain's borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a "truly multicultural" country, a former Government adviser has revealed."


Why would the Brits (or anybody else) want to be the victims of 'social engineering'?


Hitler tried to 'socially engineer' Germany by slaughtering the Jews. Slaughtering people is generally accepted to be evil, but 'social engineering' is also distasteful to most people.


Labour didn't seem to think so.


Britain has changed dramatically (and often) during the past (probably) thousands of years. The biggest single change was when Bill the B**t**d invaded to remove Harold Oathbreaker in 1066. (Dumbest thing he could've done, IMO. ;) - ruined my homeland, because now we're populated by 'Hooray Henrys'.) That invasion (along with the subsequent mass slaughter of H. Oathbreaker's people) was the biggest piece of 'social Engineering' prior to Labour's efforts.


Between those two events, stasis was not an option in England. The country had many waves of immigrants; most of whom were absorbed. - They changed and the Brits changed. It worked - and it worked bloody well! A tiny little country became (at one point) the world superpower.


Labour's attempt to 're-engineer' British society wasn't as bloody as that of Willy the Conk, nor was it as successful as the 'natural' changes brought about by immigration during the past 900 or so years - but it WAS turbulent and it has caused friction.


Hence the rise of (initially) the NF, then the BNP, then EDL(?)

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The British public aren't quite as stupid as some people

would have you think.

Thankfully, I'd never been led to believe the British public were stupid, I think it was Nick Griffin that did.
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The British public aren't quite as stupid as some people

would have you think.


Logically, the patron saint of England should be St Alban - who apparently brought Christianity to Britain. There wasn't any TV back then - and it was, after all, a good story.


'St George the dragonslayer'. A sort of mediaeval 'Crocodile Dundee.' A Turk who probably killed a crocodile.




Not really scary. I lived in Belgium for a few years. In Belgium, people are obliged (by law) to vote. - You can be fined if you fail to vote (and I was chased because I failed to vote in a Euro election - I escaped a fine by arguing that I had voted in the UK. - They do check!)


Belgium is a mess (thanks, Gladstone.)


Walloons (French - sort of) in the South, Flemish in the North and a handful of Germans (who really don't seem to give a damn) down in the South-East.


The Wallys and the Phlegms hate each other. In the Days of King Coal, Wallonia was wealthy and sent money north to the impoverished carrot-farmers in Flanders. Then Steel and Coal failed and the cash flow went the other way (but the Phlegms would prefer to forget about that.)


Nowadays, there are carats in the North ('we do diamonds') and immigrants in the South.


A political party arose: Vlaams Blok (the Flemish block.) If you think that the BNP, EDL or even the National Front are Nazis, look at the Blok.


They gathered a lot of votes. - Not because the Belgians are fascist - it's rather more complicated than that - but because Wallonia is seen as a financial drain on the North and is seen as 'not giving a damn' about excessive immigration.


The Blok finally stepped way outside the law and the courts took away their funding. So Vlaams Blok folded and was replaced (the same day) by Vlaams Belang. - Same party, different name.


In Mechelen (Flanders) in 2003(4?) Vlaams Belang won huge numbers of seats. They were actually (AFAIR) the party with the biggest single vote. They were not acceptable and other parties formed a coalition to keep them out of power.


It was a protest vote. Nobody really wanted the Belang in power, but the people (who are required - by law - to vote) were totally fed up with recent governments.


I suspect that most of those who voted in the past for the ultra-right wing parties in the UK would be horrified if the party they voted for got anywhere, but were voting as a protest against the last government's irresponsible immigration policies.


"Labour threw open Britain's borders to mass immigration to help socially engineer a "truly multicultural" country, a former Government adviser has revealed."


Why would the Brits (or anybody else) want to be the victims of 'social engineering'?


Hitler tried to 'socially engineer' Germany by slaughtering the Jews. Slaughtering people is generally accepted to be evil, but 'social engineering' is also distasteful to most people.


Labour didn't seem to think so.


Britain has changed dramatically (and often) during the past (probably) thousands of years. The biggest single change was when Bill the B**t**d invaded to remove Harold Oathbreaker in 1066. (Dumbest thing he could've done, IMO. ;) - ruined my homeland, because now we're populated by 'Hooray Henrys'.) That invasion (along with the subsequent mass slaughter of H. Oathbreaker's people) was the biggest piece of 'social Engineering' prior to Labour's efforts.


Between those two events, stasis was not an option in England. The country had many waves of immigrants; most of whom were absorbed. - They changed and the Brits changed. It worked - and it worked bloody well! A tiny little country became (at one point) the world superpower.


Labour's attempt to 're-engineer' British society wasn't as bloody as that of Willy the Conk, nor was it as successful as the 'natural' changes brought about by immigration during the past 900 or so years - but it WAS turbulent and it has caused friction.


Hence the rise of (initially) the NF, then the BNP, then EDL(?)


'St George the dragonslayer'. A sort of mediaeval 'Crocodile Dundee.' A Turk who probably killed a crocodile.


you're on fire today!!


but you're right. the protest vote can be a big wake up call. i hope it is. the governments do need to listen, otherwise, as you say, we could wake up with PM nick Griffin and everyone wondering how the hell that happened if enough people get ****** off enough to vote in protest without thinking it'll go anywhere.

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Thankfully, I'd never been led to believe the British public were stupid, I think it was Nick Griffin that did.


i agree. why else would he expect to go anywhere with the kind of policies he came up with.


how do you explain the support that he has, though? Hundreds of thousands, maybe? not counting protest voters.

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