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Is the BNP too multinational to be a proper nationalist party?

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i agree. why else would he expect to go anywhere with the kind of policies he came up with.
I have an irrational dislike of spiders, but recognise it's my fault rather than the spider's. Unfortunately the members of the BNP who the pro white agenda appeals to enjoy the company of other xenophobes and can whip themselves up into quite a frenzy over it, without appreciating it is in fact a shortcoming on their part rather than a virtue.
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But the fact that the BNPs vote has collapsed when there is a government in that has put in reasonable immigration controls show the lie to that.... doesn't it?




I think you will find that the relatively few people who vote solely on the immigration issue and actually know anything about immigration figures will vote UKIP.


The dullards who vote BNP have probably never seen a statistic on immigration in their lives, preparing to believe rubbish that they read in the Mail, Sun, Express etc. or what someone has said down the pub.


In reality, immigration levels to the UK reached a high in 2006 and has been steadily decreasing ever since, so the idea that suddenly all those who are convinced we are being 'swamped by immigrants' have studied the coalition's policies and seen the light is spurious.


But the biggest hole in your theory is that the BNP vote collapsed not on Thursday but at last year's general election when 'pro-mass immigration Labour' were still in power and 'anti-mass immigration' Con-Dems were yet to be elected.


John X

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